A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
The beetle, Podontia quatuordecinipunctata Linn. (Chrysomelidae : Coleoptera) is a major defoliator of amra (Spondias pinnata (L. f.) Kurz and S. dulcis Forst, f.) in Bangladesh. Besides Spondias spp., the pest also attacks Ficus elastica Roxb. and Duabanga grandiflora (Roxb. ex DC) Walp. Both the adult and the larva cause partial or complete defoliation affecting the growth of the plant seriously. The peak infestation period occurred during August and September. Younger trees are most heavily attacked. The incidence is more pronounced in the hilly areas than in the plains. The pest was controlled by foliar application of cypermethrin (Ripcord 10 EC) @ 12 ml/10 litres of water.