

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

Regenerative potentials and mortality of one year and two year old culms of Bambusa balcooa and B. vulgaris were studied. One year old culms of both the species were found to be significantly superior stock for the production of new culms. Mortality of new culms from two-year old parents was higher. One-year old healthy culms were found to produce significantly higher number of new culms than that from partly blighted one-year old culms of both the species.

Mortality was observed to be significant in August, the damage having its maximum effect by November. All the new culms which remained in the 0.4 m (or less) height category were dead by September/October while culms in the 5 m (or less) and 12 m (or less) height categories sufferred from blight about 17+10 and 7+5 per cent of culm heights respectively.

pH of soils of bamboo clumps were not associated with the severity of blight prevalent in the clumps. Carbon and nitrogen level in all height categories were comparable in case of both healthy and blighted culms, indicating absence of association of these factors with the blighted condition.


Teak (Tectona grandis) wood in solid form was investigated on its steam bending properties. The effect of four levels of moisture content and also the effect of four steaming periods were evaluated. Both the moisture content and steaming period were found to influence the bending properties significantly. A 30-minute steaming has been found adequate for satisfactory bending of 1.27 cm thick wood. At 60-minute steaming the wood was sufficiently plasticized to enable it to be bent at a sharp angle.


Stump planting is the usual practice for raising Teak plantations in Bangladesh. An experiment was conducted to find the effect of stump diameter of Teak on post planting survival and subsequent growth of height and diameter. Stumps of 1.01 to 2.00 cm diameter were found to be the optimum for raising successful Teak plantations.


Studies were conducted to assess the possibility of commercial exploitation of fruits and seeds of forest species to meet the shortfall in industrial and edible vegetable oils in the country. Seeds from 15 forest species were collected from various forests of Bangladesh. In cases where the seed coat could be detached, the weight ratio of seed-coat to kernel was worked out. Oil content of kernel, pulp or whole seed was determined by solvent extraction process, depending on the ease or otherwise of separation of the coat. The free fatty acid content, saponification value and iodine value ofthe extracted oil samples were determined. High percentages of oils were obtained from most of the species under investigation. Slightly lower yield is likely to be obtained when oil is extracted by expression process.

Comparative lower yield of oil obtained from Shorea robusta, Ponganiea Pinnata, Aleurites montana and Garcinia cowa than that obtained in other countries is thought to be due to various degrees of deterioration set in the seeds collected from the forest bed. Acceptable grades of edible oils may be produced from several species.


Top-dying of Sundri (Heritiera fames Buch. -Ham.) has been occuring in an epidemic form in the Sunderbans forest for about a decade. It was suspected, in course of a multidisciplinary investigation made in 1973, that injury done by Chrysocroa sp. (Buprestidae : Coleoptera) into the twig croatches could be the primary cause, which subsequently facilitated the entrance of a probable pathogenic fungus causing the disorder.

A study was, therefore, made to ascertain the role of insects in top dying of Sundri. On investigation no correlation could be established between the number of larval tunnels and the number of branches found dead (r=0.147). The results of the investigation suggest that these beetles do not have any role in the initiation of topdying of Sundri.


Soil samples were collected from the genetic horizons of three soil profiles representing three different landtypes. Trace elements in soil and in leaf samples were determined spectrometrically.

It was observed that the vertical distribution of trace elements was related to the amount of clay rather than to the genetic soil horizons. The clay content in these profiles was the attribute ofthe alluvial parent material. Therefore, the redistribution of trace elements was not due to pedogenetic effects.

The clay fraction contains higher amounts of trace elements in all the profiles. It was, therefore, assumed that the topsoil might be depleted of trace elements with the loss of clay by illuviation or by run-off. Trace element/iron oxide ratios of several soil samples show that the vertical distribution of trace elements in the profiles studied were not significant.

It was also observed that in the studied profiles Mn and Cd content was higher but that of other elements waslower than the FAO’s prescribed highest levels of total content of trace elements in soil.

Trace element contents of several leaf samples of tree species were examined and found not related to the trace element contents of soil.


Satellite Remote Sensing data arc being extensively used in change detection and vegetation cover studies. Visual interpretation of LANDSAT imagery, black and white aerial photographs, colour Infra-red aerial photographs, diazo false colour composites of LANDSAT imagery, computer enhanced image, digitized image and stereoscopic photo interpretation techniques were adopted for the study of change detection and vegetation cover of “Nijhumdwip”. The purpose of the study was to find out the rate of accretion and the succession of vegetation in the island. Groundtruth missions were performed for the collection of data. Information generated by the various methods of interpretation were correlated with known field data.


A study was made on the emerging culm mortality of eight different bamboo species of Bangladesh. Mortality percentage varied from species to species and even from clump to clump. Average mortality percentage varied from 28 to 69 in the case of thick-walled and large dimension bamboo species, and 9 to 37 in the case of thinwalled, small dimension species.

Eco-physiological conditions and genetic make-up of each species and clump seem to influence the rate of mortality of emerging culm in bamboo.


A leaf disease of oil-palm raised in a nursery of Cox’s Bazar Forest Division in 1980, is reported. Symptoms of the disease have been described. Three fungi were isolated of which Curvularia cragrostidis ( P. Henn.) Mayer was the most frequent and consistent and was considered to be responsible for the disease. The leaf blight was successfully controlled by five weekly foliar sprays with either Benlate or Captan-5 with a solution of 56 gms in 12.5 litres of water for every 400 seedlings raised in polyethylene bags.


A provenance trial with 23 provenances of Acacia mangium was carried out at Keochia Silvicultural Research Station, Chittagong during the year 1983. The primary results showed that the provenances of West of Morehead and Oriomo River of Papua New Guinea,  Abergowrie  SF and Hawkins creek RD. Parish of Leach Queensland, Australia may be suitable for afforestation programme under the condition of Chittagong forest zone. The experiment needs to keep under close observation before making any firm conclusion.

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