

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

The vegetation of the coastal belt of ^a&ir”Pakifftan- has
never reached climax due to biotic interferences except in Chakaria
Sundarbans of Chittagong District, Patherghata of Bakherganj
District and Sundarbans of Khulna District. In Chakaria, Father— .
ghata and Sundarbans, the vegetation has reached edaphic climax.
An attempt has been made here to study some vegetational communities
in areas other than Sundarbans in order to find out firstly, the
type of vegetation naturally growing under the existing ecological
conditions and. secondly, to draw inferences as to the species
that may be successfully planted in the region.


Investigation on the manufacture of toilet tissue paper from ’
kraft Albizzia moluccana pulp indicates that good quality paper
can be prepared from a mixture of 80 percent kraft Albizzia
moluccana and 20 percent sulphite (Canadian)pulps. The paper made
in the laboratory shows good softness and easy disintegration
under the action of flush water.


Variation in structure of any kind of wood may result from
relatively minor differences in the woody tissue laid down in
different parts of the tree, or in similar parts of different
trees. Seemingly minor changes in cell wall thickness, fiber lengths,
cell diameters, celluloselignin ratios, or percentages of cell
types cause marked differences in physical properties of the wood.
Since wood is ultimately judged on its quality, i.e., on its suitability
for a particular use, the assessment of the effects that
anatomical differences may have on wood properties becomes


In the bangla plantation forestry is limited, to the upland,
forests while in others, such as the tidal and fresh water swamp areas^ the
main system of working iri the selection system followed By natural
regeneration* Since the inception of development plans more stress is
“being laid on afforestation of waste land and “by far much greater area is
“being planted in the waste land than in reserve forests. The afforestation
areas include both upland and coastal areas. Coastal afforestation
combines the problems of both upland and tidal afforestation. The scope
of this paper has been limited to areas where plantation forestry is
practised not because similar problems do not exist in other areas but
because the poor nature of plantations is more preccptable and hurting
in the case of creating plantations by artificial methods. The annual
plantation areas covering both reforestation and afforestation has been
constantly increasing since independence. The following statement gives
a brief review of the plantation areas in Chittagong, Chittagong Hill
Tracts and Sylhet districts during the successive plan periods.


In spite of wanton clearance done by human beings one third
of the land areas of the globe is still under forests. With
primitive men, in the natural condition of forests the ideal
environment existed for them. So human brings as denizens of . #
forests had no problem in this respect. With scientific and
technological advancement civilized men have disturbed the
ecosystem. In the highly industrialised developed countries
imbalance created due to past neglect of the environment is being
viewed with concern. According to many pollution and despoliation
of environment and heedness manipulation of ecosystem, if continued
could ’destroy the life supporting system of spaceship earth’•
Man’s biggest task according to many scientists today is therefore
’Saving his environment’.


Match industry in East Pakistan is compar^j.ye3gjr new and
sprang up only after the Independence. In E-ast^—Fak-rs-tai*, there
are 19 match factories which depend entirely on indigenous wood
for both match box and match splints (3)« The average annual
production of these factories during the last decade was about
10 million gross boxes (2) which is equivalent to about $0,000
tons of wood taking 200 gross boxes for one ton of wood.

Last Published

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