A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
The’ mangroves are tidal vegetation peculiarly adopted to
tidal saline water. This is a complex plant community primarily
controlled by cdaphic factors. Due to their, peculiar morphological,
anatomical and physiological features, they are most suitably
adopted to the saline muddy habitat. Their occurrence 1 is
dependent on the tide level and are not found beyond the high
tide mark. These communities are the product of the constantly
changing conditions of its habitat.
This paper gives the experience of a tour study in the Sundarbans forest by
the author and Dr. Hubert Hcndrich, a West German Zoologist during 1970. It
also deals with the present status of wildlife population in Bangladesh. Some hints
have also been given regarding suitable sites for recreational purposes in Bangladesh
Rhizome assemblies and clump form and growth of nine arboretum
grown bamboo species have been studied. Rhizome stalk has been
found to play an important role in determining the form, shape and
growth of clumps. This is due to not only the characteristic length
of the stalk in some species but also its role in orienting the rhizome
in relation to the centre of the clump and the mother culm in general
and the line of gravity in particular. In areas where bamboos are
worked heavily it is the rhizome stalk that is first affected and may
result in congested clumps in species otherwise monopodial or
loosely tufted.
Rhizomes are commonly attacked by pathogenic soil
ganisms, Parts like rhizome stalks, whole
bud of the rhizome may be partly or wholly consumed or otherwise
become inoperative and although these parts contribute to (he •• development
of rhizome assembly they do not contribute towards the growth
of clump. This reduces the rate of growth of clumps considerably.
Irrespective of species, only 8 percent of the buds develop into
normal culms, 77 percent remaining dormant and 15 percent are damaged
by pathogenic soil mlcrooganisms. It has been concluded tha- application
of antipathogens individually or in combination with fertilizer will
ameliorate the conditions of growth and considerably increase the
The long interval of flowering and seeding has made propagation of
bamboos very difficult. Offset plantings are not suitable for large scale plantations.
Attemps with branch cutting, layering, etc. for propagation showed
low percentage of success. Tissue culture has yet to be tried.
In tissue culture the entire primordial structure might have to be used
as a propagule unlike the use of only callus tissue as in the case of dicots.
The present study showed that rhizome buds are monoprimordial, represented
by the cone of rudimentary sheaths only. The food stored in the rhizome
and rhizomatous swelling is utilized by their lateral and terminal buds. The
root primordia are borne outside rhizome-buds. The culm and branch-buds
are multiprimordial. Each structure is similar to the rhizome consisting of
root, rhizome and shoot primordia.
Bangladesh is blessed with 119 species
of mammals (Khan 1982). The abundance
of such a large number of species in a
small territory has been possible because
of a diversified flora, a characteristic of
tropical forests. However, the existing
mammalian population indicates a distinctly
deteriorating trend during the past
several decades. No systematic survey of
mammals has ever been carried out for the
area now under the territories of Bangladesh.
It is, therefore, difficult to quantify the
magnitude of loss. Our knowledge is
limited to some old records made by
Blanford (1888) and Pocock 1939, 1941) and
some recent works (Choudhury 1969,
Mountfort 1969, Husain 1974, Khan 1982).
None of these records is complete and
uptodate and, therefore, further studies are
needed in this direction. A reconnaissance
survey was made during 1978 and 1979 to
assess the status and distribution of some
mammals of Bangladesh. This paper
discussess the status and distribution of 21
species covering 8 families.
Coconut palm ( Cocos nucifera) is one
of the most important economic trees in
the tropica] countries. Coconut is planted
on a large scale along the coastal belt of
Bangladesh, particularly, in the districts of
Noakhali, Patuakhali, Barisal and Khulna.
According to the national survey of 1980-81,
there are about 23.4 million mature and
immature Coconut trees in the village
groves ( Anon. J 982 ), Many of these trees
will be overmature in the next few years
and will cross the prime age for the profitable
production of nuts. These trees will need
replacement by newer and more productive
varieties. This necessitates proper
utilization of overmature Coconut stems in
order to make the felling and replanting
operations economically viable. This will
Exploration and exploitation of natural
resources is a very important activity for
the continued economic growth of the
society. Many devices at different stages
of human civilisation were introduced for
the exploration of natural resources. In
the modern age Remote Sensing Technique
is one of the best tools for surveying natural
resources particularly in the inaccessible
areas. Modern remote sensing system from
space is the result of the development
process which began in the U. S. A. in the
mid sixties. This led to the Earth Resources
Technology Satellite ( ERTS) project
of NASA in 1970, now called LANDSAT.
Experiments to determine the rok of
wounding alone and fungal infestation in
the formation of the aromatic base, agar,
in the wood of Agar tree (Aquilaria agallocha
Roxb.) were started in two Agar plantations
at Lawachara near Srimangal in
1977. Results of the first assessment of
nine trees after two years indicated that
the formation of agar did not depend on
the activity of a particular fungus, as was
previously believed, but is a general reaction
of the host to injury and invasion by
various microbes. It was, therefore, suggested
that the effect of wounding on the
Sal seeds generally mature between the
months of April and May. It may vary
according to location. The seeds fall as
soon as they mature. The germination of
seed starts soon after maturity and it may
germinate even on the tree (Troup 1921).
When germination starts, the tip (apex)
of the fruits splits longitudinally (at right
angle to the pedicel of the seed) and the
radicle emerges from the apex of the seed.
Germination percentage is influenced
by various factors. Cockburn and Wong
(1969) stated that germination percentage
of Sal depended on the size of seed trees
and collection of seeds from the tree rather
than from ground. Troup (1921) reported
that sound fresh seed had a high germinative
capacity. Sal seed, however, rapidly
loses its viability. Depth of sowing is
also an important factor in germination.
Cayford and Waldron (1969) found
that germination depended on sowing
methods and depth of sowing. Defective
sowing of Sal seed in nursery in India
had led to low germination percentage
(Singh et al. 1975). The present investigation
was, thus, undertaken to determine the
effect of sowing orientation of seed on
Pestalotia sp., a fungal pathogen causing leaf blight disease of
pony al ( Calophylum enophylum Linn.), was isolated. The finding
was confirmed by the artificial inoculation of healthy leaves ofpanyai
plants with the isolated pathogen. Besides, the average quantitative
incidence and infection index of the disease on naturally infected
plants during 1976-1978 were estimated.
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