

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

Peer Review Process

Table of Contents

At the Bangladesh Journal of Forest Science (BJFS), we uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and quality. The peer review process is an integral part of our commitment to ensuring that the articles we publish meet these standards. Our thorough and rigorous peer review process is designed to maintain the integrity of the research we publish while promoting a culture of open and constructive scholarly communication.

Submission and Initial Assessment

  1. Submission: Authors submit their manuscripts through our online submission system, following the guidelines outlined in our Submission Guidelines page.
  2. Initial Assessment: Upon receipt, manuscripts undergo an initial assessment by the editorial team. This assessment ensures that the submission adheres to the journal’s scope and guidelines. Manuscripts that pass this initial screening are sent for peer review.

Peer Review Process

  1. Reviewer Selection: The Editorial Board selects experts in the relevant field to review the manuscript. Reviewers are chosen based on their expertise and experience.
  2. Blind Review: We follow a double-blind peer review process, where both the identities of the authors and the reviewers are kept confidential. This minimizes potential biases and ensures impartial evaluation.
  3. Review and Evaluation: Reviewers critically evaluate the manuscript’s originality, scientific validity, methodology, significance, and overall quality. They provide detailed comments and suggestions to the authors.
  4. Revision: Authors receive the reviewers’ feedback and are given an opportunity to revise their manuscripts based on the suggestions and comments provided.

Decision and Publication

  1. Editorial Decision: After receiving the revised manuscript, the editorial team, in consultation with the reviewers, makes an informed decision. This decision could be acceptance, minor revisions, major revisions, or rejection.
  2. Revised Manuscript: If revisions are required, authors make the necessary changes and improvements in response to the reviewers’ feedback.
  3. Final Evaluation: The revised manuscript undergoes a final evaluation to ensure that the reviewers’ concerns have been adequately addressed.
  4. Acceptance: Once the manuscript meets the journal’s quality standards and reviewer recommendations have been addressed, the article is accepted for publication.

Transparency and Ethical Standards

  • We uphold ethical publishing practices and expect authors, reviewers, and editors to adhere to these standards.
  • All parties involved in the peer review process are expected to maintain confidentiality and avoid conflicts of interest.


The peer review process is essential for maintaining the credibility and relevance of the research published in the Bangladesh Journal of Forest Science. We are grateful to our reviewers for their valuable contributions and to our authors for their dedication to advancing the field of forest science.

For more information on submitting your manuscript, please visit our Submission Guidelines page.