

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

Several studies were previously conducted on pulping of jute plant by
alkaline processes. But the response of the plant to alkaline pulping is poor. In the
present study neutral sulphite anthraquinone (NS – AQ) process proved more
advantageous over alkaline processes. The process is capable of producing a
significantly higheryield compared to the alkaline processes. The physicalstrength
properties of NS – AQ jute plant pulp stand in between hardwood and softwood
kraft pulps. However, success of commercial utilization of jute plant in pulp
making largely depends on efficientmeans of collection, transportation and storage
of the plant. Hence, due attention to these problems must be given


The colonization status of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi of Melia azedarach L.
seedlings grown from seven different types of pre-sowing treated seeds and the spore
population in the rhizosphere soils were studied. The percent root colonization varied
significantly and ranged between 14.81-95.0 in different treatments. The superior
seedlings showed heavy root colonization as compared to otherseedlings. The intensity of
colonization and spore population also varied significantly in different treatments. Spore
population was not correlated with the percent root colonization and seedling growth
parameters. Four AM genera such Glomus, Acaidospora, Entrophospora and Gigaspora were
identified from the rhizosphere soils of the seedlings. The importance ofAM fungi has been
ensured from this study for the primary establishment of M. azedarach seedlings in the


The paper presents the anatomical features of bamboo leaves in transverse
section for 26 bamboo species underseven genera occurring in Bangladesh both in wild
and in cultivation. The results are presented in a tabular form. The findings indicate that
anatomical features ofbamboo leavesin transverse section work as taxonomic characters
at species level. The paper also provides a dichotomous key to identify bamboo species
occurring in Bangladesh based on leaf anatomical characteristics.


Casuarina equisetifolia seedlingsinoculated with different biofertilizerssuch as
Azospirillum, Phosphobacterium, VAM fungi and Frankia and their combinations were
planted in farmland. Growth parameters were collected at bimonthly intervals up to
30 months. Biomass was estimated 24 months after planting. Maximum height, girth
at breast height (gbh) and total biomass were obtained in the combined application of
Azospirillum, Phosphobacterium, VAM and Frankia. The combination of VAM +
Frankia among double inoculation, and the combination of Azospirillutn, VAM and
Frankia in triple inoculation also proved to be the best treatment in promoting the
significant total height, gbh and total biomass production


The bagworm, Cryptothelea crameri Westwood (Psychidae : Lepidoptera) is an
important pest of many ornamental, horticultural and forest plants in Bangladesh. The
larva feeds on young leaves and tender bark by making and living within a portable bag
of leaves, twigs, barks, spines, etc. The biology, host range, number of generations, and
seasonal abundance of the pest have been dealt with in this paper. Brachymeria sp.
(Braconidae: Hymenoptera) wasfound to parasitize its larva. The pestcould be collected
and destroyed by hand. It could also be controlled by the foliar application ofmalathion
(Malathion 57 EC) at 0.1% concentration.


The paper describes the fibre length and ray height of the five tree species,
namely Calophyllum polyanthum Wall., Garcinia cowa Roxb., G. xanthochymus
Hook., Kayeafloribimda Wall, and Mesuaferrea Linn, of the family Guttiferae. In
G. cozva and G. xanthochymusthe fibre length and ray height are higher and longer
than those of the other species. These two microscopic features work as good
characters in delimitating the species of Guttiferae. There is a progressive trend
of increase of fibre length and ray height from near pith to sapwood for all the


This paper gives an overview on the initial growth performance ofmahogany
(Swietenia macrophylla King) planted in Chittagong city areas of Bangladesh. A guide
equationwas derived with logarithm to the base e of dominant height as a dependent
variable and reciprocal power of age as an independent variable. The growth
characteristics were estimated by regression techniques based on statistical and
biological criteria. The paper presents the growth statistics ofstand diameter atbreast
height, stand mean height, stand dominant height and basal area per hectare. The
selected models could be used to estimate the growth parameters in the plantations
with 9.0 m to 21.0 m dominant height at the age of 12 years.


To study the impact of vehicular pollution on the road-side
vegetation, four sites in the eastern Uttar Pradesh of India with varying
vehicular density were selected. Index of dominance of five plant species,
Ageratum houstonianum Mill., Argemone mexicana Linn., Rumexdentatus Linn.,
Salvia plebeja R. Br. and Solatium nigrum Linn., were studied atsix intervalstill
250 mperpendicular to the road at all the foursites. An attempthasbeenmade
to correlate the index of dominance of the species with the load of vehicular
pollution. Three species, A. houstonianum, S. plebeja and S. nigrum, showed
positive correlation with respect to the increasing distance from the road,
showing its susceptibility for the pollution whereas A mexicana and
R. dentatus showed positive correlation with the increase in pollution load.
However, a comparison between the two species showed that A. mexicana
was a better bio-indicator of vehicular pollution.


Bangladesh Forest Department and various NGOs have undertaken large scale
afforestation programmes in the country. This necessitates production of a large number of
seeds and improved methods of theirhandling. It islikely that greaternumber ofspecies will
be included for increased afforestation activities. So, information on time of seed
availability, quantity of seed production, number of seeds per unit weight, germination
percentage, germination period, seed pre-treatment (if any), storage period, etc. will be
required.Thisreport is based on available scientific information and professionalexperience
on seeds of forest trees which could help the nursery and plantation managers in raising


Pati-pata (Schumannianthus dichotoma)
belonging to the Family Marantaceae is one of
the important non – timber forest produces in
Bangladesh. It grows naturally in the swampy
areas as well as is cultivated in low-lying areas.
The stem of this shrub is used for the preparation
of mat, basket, bag and various novelty items
(Mohiuddin and Rashid 1988). The plant can be
grown using rhizome, branch cutting, rooted
cutting and seedling (Merry et al. 1997, Siddiqi et
al. 1998). However, the best performance was
obtained from planting rhizomes. It has been
reported that cultivation of pati-pata is more
profitable than that of paddy (Mohiuddin and
Rashid 1988). Thus fertilizer treatment was given
one year after planting before the monsoon to
observe its effect on the profitable enhancement in
yield. The treatment combinations of fertilizer
doses were as follows :
Tj = NPK each at 270 gm/plot
T, = NPK each at 540 gm/plot
T, = NPK each at 710 gm/plot
T() = No fertilizer (control)
The experiment was laid out in a
Randomized CompleteBlockDesign (RCBD) with
four replications at Bangladesh Forest Research
Institute campus, Chittagong. So, there were 16
plots each with a size of 4.5 m x 2 m. The plots

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