

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

Insecticidal activity of ivermectin (Ivecop- 12), a derivative of ivermectin B,
produced by a soil actinomycete, Streptomyces avermitilis, was evaluated in laboratory
against the larvae of bamboo leaf roller, Crypsiptya coclesalis Walker (Lepidoptera:
Pyralidae), a major defoliator of bamboos in nurseries, plantations and natural forests.
The study was
doses. Results revealed that ivermectin is
conducted with eight treatment concentrations of lethal and sub-lethal
highly toxic and induce larval mortality
when applied separately on host plant leaves and larvae, on leaves and larvae of the
insect pest together and leaf rolls containing larvae. The nature of treatment affects the
larval mortality. On the basis of two trials, results revealed that treatment of leaves and
larvae together showed cent percent larval mortality by the 0.15% concentration,
whereas treatment of leaves alone and leaf roll exhibited cent percent mortality by the
concentration of 0.3%. Larval treatment showed hundred percent mortality by 1.2%
concentration. The LC50 value of the tested product was worked out to be 0.012239,
0.076789, 0.010833 and 0.051116% for leaf and larval treatments separately, leaf and
larval treatments together and leaf roll treatment respectively against the insect pest.
This clearly shows that ivermectin is more
through food


An experiment was conducted to find out the strength properties and dimmsfonal
stability of particleboard using waste wood and planer shavings Collected from Bangladesh
Forest Industries Development Corporaholt (Bl-1 DC). Waste WOod were converted in in chips.
Particleboards were fabricated at fhe different ratios of wood chips and planer shaving such as
100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, and 0:100, Results show (hat particleboards made from 100% planer
shavings have good static bending properties : 143 kg/cm2) and excellent tensile strength
(13 kg/cuv). Both the values satisfy the Indian and British standard. Tilt1 percentage of
thickness swelling and water absorption were measured a tier 2 and 24 hours soaking in water,
lowest thickness swelling and water absorption were found in the board made of 100% planer
shavings. Particleboa ids made from 75% and 50% planer shavings also satisfy the Indian
standard. It is concluded that planer shavings from different wood based industries can he
used for making conventional partiilebuard of high strength properties.


The composition and diversity of native tree species in all topographical positions
of Dud-Pukuria Natural Forest in Chittagong (South) Forest Division, Bangladesh were
investigated. A total of 667 individual stems having dbh >10 cm were recorded from 3.2
hectare sampled area. These 77 native tree species belongs to 32 family and 53 genera


the aim nf the study was to estimate carbon Stockof 18-year old three plantations species
iiamelv Acacia aurietdifonuis Gunn., A&tiidrepfta/ifs c/itnrnsrs Lamk. and Tt’ctonrr ^rmjdrs L.
Systematic sampling method was used to identify each sampling point through the Global
Positioning System (GPS), I ree biomass estimated by Loss on Ignition method and soil carbon
slock was dertemuned by Walklev-Black oxidation method. Results showed that the total
carbon stock was highest 211.119 ton-ha 1 in AcnriitaiirinrhjfcYwis plantation. The maximum litter
carbon was 2.46 ton-ha^ in TtYtoJia jjrandis plantation followed by 1.89 toji-ha-t in Arrttao-ptaMs
rlrijjensis. Selection of plantation tree species according to highest carbon slock capacity may
help the developing countries to earn more carbon err’dits, and in the long rim, to tackle the
climate change.


This paper presents some indigenous or traditional technical knowledge on jhum
(shifting cultivation) cultivation and management in Bandarban hill district in
Bangladesh. These include indicators for jhum land selection, fire management in jhum
field, three- phase seed sowing technique in jhum, use of colored flower plants to keep
away insects from jhum, slope differentiation of hills in crop selection, use of local
climate for crop selection, altitude and wind velocity in crop selection, indigenous seed
collection and germplasms management, indigenous seed storage method, seed
distribution, indigenous nursery method for raisings citrus seedlings, and indigenous
ginger storage method by the Bwam community in Bandarban hill district of
Bangladesh. Three-phase seed sowing technique in jhiim is the new documentation of
indigenous knowledge. An integration of indigenous and scientific knowledge will
help to develop sustainable management of indigenous farming practices.


Aire indica L is an important commercial medicinal phnf and cominerciai.lv cultivated in
the Northern part of Bangladesh, in 2004, a severe leaf spot disease was found in the four
months’ old plantations of Aire iiidim. The svmptom of tile disease was recorded and the causal
organisms were identified. Four types of fungi namely Cflt/iMwiHS Itmdbts Nelson jfc Haasis,
PenirrifiJUH sp., Aspergillus sp. and Firsurinffi &p, were isolated from the infected leaves of A.
Onlv C. iunalus fungus was isolated from the healthy leaves. Out of these, C. hrnjtfus was
frequently found io be? responsible for the disease. Tie pathogenicity test was conducted, and
the association of the fungus with the disease was confirmed. Ihree types of fungicides
Sunvit, Dithane M- 45 and Aimcozim each ” 2gm/l water was applied against the disease.
Pithane M-45 gave the best result among three fungieidcs


Rajkoroi (Albizia richardiana King and Prain) is an important tree species
extensively planted as fuel wood and timber in home garden and road sides as avenue
tree in the southern part of Bangladesh. Volume table of this rajkoroi species has been
prepared by deriving volume equations. 15 selected model were tested for deriving
volume equation by regression technique. Among them the logarithmic model log(V)=
a + b log (G) for one way and log (V) = a + b log (G) + c log(H) for two way analysis
appeared to be the best model for estimating the rajkoroi tree volume. Estimated
volume table is applicable for any size of rajkoroi tree planted of the southern part of


Hie coastal environment of Bangladesh
is highly unstable due to direct exposure of
the wind and wave action of the Bay of
Bengal, Moreover, the lite and properties of
die coastal area is alway s at risk (Saenger and
Siddiqi 1993). The newly accreted coastal
lands are not .suitable for any land practices
except afforestation because of a number of
unpredictable geo-morphological changes,
viz. rapid accretion, sand smoothon ing,
sediment winnowing and rapid sillation or
sand dune movements (Das and Biddiqi
1985). Hie pneumatophores of coastal
plantation species spread up laterally and
persist within (he silt layer for a longer time
which also hasten the procedure of
depositing and fixing sills, and thus helps in
stabilization of lands (Siddiqi 2(MH).
Bangladesh is a pioneer country for coastal
plantations (Siddiqi 2001). It is believed that a
permanent green belt along the shoreline and
near the shore and offshore islands of
Bangladesh would considerable reduce the
losses incurred from Ute frequent cyclones
and tidal surges, 11 will abo increase forest
resources and provide ecological security to
the whole coastal area.


Lotkon defoliator, Cyclosia papilionaris Drury (Zygaenidae:Lepidoptera) is a major
insect pest of lotkon (Baccaurea ramiflora Lour.) in Bangladesh. The larva feeds on young
leaves and cause defoliation seriously affecting the growth of the tree. Description,
distribution, nature and impact of damage, host plants, life stages, number of
generation, seasonal abundance and management of the pest has been described. The
peak infestation occurred during July and August. The incidence is more acute in the
hilly areas than in the plains. The pest could be controlled by the foliar application of
malathion (Malathion 57 EC) at 0.1% concentration.


The response of rajkoroi (Albizia richardiana King and Prain) wood for making
pulp in NS-AQ (Neutral Sulphite Anthraquinone), soda, soda-AQ and kraft pulping
processes was assessed by different alkali doses and pulping time. The temperature
was maintained at 170°C in all cases. Results showed that the species was not suitable
for making pulp in NS-AQ process. Pulps could be made in soda process but the
amount of uncooked material (rejects) was high. Addition of 0.1% AQ in soda liquor
gave better results in delignification. The species responded very well towards kraft
process. Bleachable grade kraft pulp was obtained even with 14% active alkali with a
pulp yield of 48.2%. The pulp yield of rajkoroi was
species widely used in pulp and paper mills of Bangladesh.
Hand sheets from soda, soda-AQ and kraft pulp of rajkoroi were made. The
physical strength properties likely tear, tensile and burst were evaluated. Kraft pulp
was superior to the pulp produced either in soda and soda-AQ processes but slightly
inferior to the pulp produced from commonly used hardwood species. The pulp of this
species could be blended with imported softwood pulp for making moderate quality
writing, printing and wrapping paper

Last Published

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