

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

Dhaincha (Sesbania cannabina ), an annual plant, is cultivated in the riverine deltas, charlands and alluvial banks of rivers in the districts of Dacca, Faridpur and Mymensingh. It also grows in other areas of North, Central and Eastern part of East Pakistan .
Locally it is known as Kath-Dhaincha and botanically falls in the Leguminosae family. There are three plants akin to each other under the names Sesbania Aculeata, Sesbania Cannabania and Sesbania paludosa Sesbania paludosa, commonly known as Shola or Kath-sola, grows in the marshy lands and is lighter in weight than Dhaincha. Sesbania aculeata is a virgate and prickly shrub, whereas Dhaincha, a slender, straight, unarmed plant, grows to a maximum height of 20 feet. Dhaincha plants, flexible when green, become stiff after cutting and drying and are used as fencing material, creeper support and fuel wood. Even by most conser- vative estimates the annual production of the plant is enough for running a large paper mill on perpetual basis.


Summary of data for the month of November 1970 to March,1971°
Station: Forest Research Institute,Chittagong:
Time of observation: 0800 hours


The coastal belt of East Pakistan covers a substantial part of
Khulna , Bakhargonj , Patuakhali , Noakhali and Chittagong districts along
the Bay of Bengal . In the western part of the belt, lies the Sundarban
Forests with a width of about 60 miles and almost equivalent depth • The
presence of mangrove and other species of the Sundarbans along the stream
banks and around the homestead, almost throughout the balance part of the
coastal belt , indicates that the Sundarban Forests extended throughout the
coastal belt in the past • The ramnants of such forests are still visible
in the Matamuri Delta about 30 miles north of Cox’s Bazar town , known as
“Chakaria Sundarban Forests” .


In agreement with the United. Nations Organisation’s programme
on the promotion of economy and at the request of Food and Agriculture
Organisation ( P.A.Oo ) U.N.O., the Soviet Union organised the International
Symposium on Forest Influences and Watershed Management from.August 17 to
September 6,1970 .


Investigations were carried, out on the Kraft Pulping of Albizzia
moluccana , a fast growing exotic wood species • In the pulping process
the cooking time was of 3 hours’ duration – 1 hour to raise the temperature
to 17O°C and 2 hours at that temperature . Pulp yield of 49 38$ was
obtained at the optimum condition . The properties indicate that high
quality writing, printing and wrapping paper can be manufactured from this
pulp at low chemicals and bleachability


At the present time the forests cover 33,5 per cent of
Czechoslovak territory . Coniferous species cover 67 per cent of the area ,
of which Norway spruce takes 47 per cent , scotch pine 14 per cent ,
silver fir 5 per cent , larch and other conifers 1 per cent . Broad-leaved
trees share with 33 per cent , of which 17 per cent is taken by beech ,
7 per cent by oaks » 2 per cent by maples ash and elm . Other hardwoods
and softwoods tree species cover 7 per cent


The Forests of Sunderbans are constituted of a total of 3,953
square miles of which 2,316 square miles belong to East Pakistan . Out of
2,316 Square miles, the land area is J,OO6,O6O acres, of which 939,820 acres
are productive forest lands


Forestry research and education are loosely combined and are
located at buba about 12 miles south of Khartum . The Forest Education
and Research Centre at ouba was developed under the UNbF assistance.
• It consists of the seed certification laboratory, timber testing
laboratory, research nursery and the arboretum is located in the
“Green belt” which has been specially planted to protect Khartum city
from hot desiccating winds .


The note presented here is the first in a series giving preliminary data from the insect collections made by the staff of the
Entomology Section, Forest Research Institute, Chittagong. The major part
of the insects were set and preserved by Mr. Abdul Majid, Insect Setter,
who also took an active part in much of the field collection work •
Since the start of the Entomology Section in July, the
basis of reference collection of insects has been laid . Such collection
of insects from the forested areas of East Pakistan has previously not
been present in the province and is essential for all future forest
entomological work to be carried but, in biology , as well as in control
and extension service .

Last Published

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