A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
“-The^economiq. development of a country or a region
is basically a question of increas^bL^roductivity.. The history
of especially the; last two centuries shows a spectan-H-lar ‘ ‘
and in each field of economic activity~we will.
find planned and. unplanned efforts to induce a change..Forestry
…makes no. exception. Although progress here, has been less marked
than in the manufacturing industries, there has-been a steady
growth of productivity-In all countried-where a regular-forest
management has superseded the extractive – and partly destruc-
, tive * practices of earlier times. With the particular^ atrueture ^
of .reproductive forestry we can conceptually distinguish-between.’.
a.growth of the productivity of land (yield per acre) and the
– productivity of labour (output per man-day.)