A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
A study was conducted on butterflies ofBaraiyadhala National Park (BNP) between August 2015 and July
2016 to know the occurrence of species diversity, their status and habitats. One hundred and thirty four
species of butterflies belonging to 93 genera and 6 families were recorded during the study. Family
Nymphalidae had the highest number ofspecies (43 i.e., 32.1%) followed by Lycaenidae (37 i.e., 27.6%),
Hesperiidae (25 i.e., 18.7%), Pieridae (15 i.e., 11.2%), Papilionidae (13 i.e., 9.7%) and Riodinidae (1 i.e.,
0.75%). The status ofrecorded species was calculated in term of Very Common (30 species), Common (41
species), Uncommon (35 species) and Rare (28 species). The butterflies in the BNP prefer to live in
different types of habitat viz., Grass Land, Crop Land, Open Forest, Scrub Forest, Dense Forest and
Bamboo Patch. Among them 33 species were found in all kinds of habitat, 71 in multiple types and 30 were
in single type. Moreover, mud-puddling habits of 50 species (37.3%) were also observed. It is notable that
59 (44%) oftotal recorded species are threatened in Bangladesh (39 Vulnerable and 20 Endangered) and 6
(4.5%) are not still included in the red list ofIUCN, Bangladesh