A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
Dhaincha (Sesbania cannabina ), an annual plant, is cultivated in the riverine deltas, charlands and alluvial banks of rivers in the districts of Dacca, Faridpur and Mymensingh. It also grows in other areas of North, Central and Eastern part of East Pakistan .
Locally it is known as Kath-Dhaincha and botanically falls in the Leguminosae family. There are three plants akin to each other under the names Sesbania Aculeata, Sesbania Cannabania and Sesbania paludosa Sesbania paludosa, commonly known as Shola or Kath-sola, grows in the marshy lands and is lighter in weight than Dhaincha. Sesbania aculeata is a virgate and prickly shrub, whereas Dhaincha, a slender, straight, unarmed plant, grows to a maximum height of 20 feet. Dhaincha plants, flexible when green, become stiff after cutting and drying and are used as fencing material, creeper support and fuel wood. Even by most conser- vative estimates the annual production of the plant is enough for running a large paper mill on perpetual basis.