

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

This is thp botanical name of Haldu, a Wellknown
timber species of Indo-Pak Sub-continent. Alina is derived from
the Greek word nadinos” meaning crowded, referring to the flow©rs of.
thp plant which arR clustered in globose heads. Cordifolia is referred
to thp cordate or hpart-shaped Ipavps of the plant.


We are quite familiar with tightening of doors’, windows
and drawers during rainy season. In the winter, the same doors,
windows and drawers become loosened. Sometimes, unsightly
cracks make their appearance even on the costly furniture.
There is every reason that we feel disgusted and disappointed
with this undesirable behaviour of wood which we purchase in
exchange of our hard-earned money and we expect that the
furniture made out of it would behave well. We make carpenters
responsible for these too. in fact, we should blame
neither carpenters nor wood. This is due to shrinkage and
swelling which are inherent properties of wood. The following
the cause of shrinkage and swelling
and also suggests the remedial measures for their minimization.


Lost in the oblivion is the memory
the days, when I was born in the lap of my country.
I know not the history ofmy birth,
Find ye out, for my countrymen, for all ITm worth.


Problems of Forestry Development in East Pakistan and Planning:
‘With the progressive realization of importance of
forests and forest products in the national economy, and
over-all development of the country, planning of Forest
Development and Management planning have assumed great importance. Foresters are now required to take into consideration the overall trend of development of the country and will
have, to orient the forest planning accordingly. Proper land
use, maximum products to meet the present and future -requirement of the country, maintenance of proper soil cover without disturbing the climatic and physical condition of the country,proper maintenance of the head water regions of rivers
and to maximize the agricultural production are the important considerations in the planning of Forest development .But
non-consumptive uses of forest for recreation and aesthetic
purpose and as a source of wild life and natural beauty can
not be ignored either. One of the great common denominations
that ties together all generations is man’s dependence upon
natural resources. Activities of foresters today will infuence the condition oi future generations. Proper planning of
Forest Development is , therefore, not only of vital importance for the present generation, but will guide the destiny,
of generations to come.


The development program of the Forest Research
Institute aims, among other things, to establish an organization for research in the field of forest management, a
the task which has up to the present day been performed by the
office of the Silviculturalist in the Development Circle.
A United Nations Special Fund Project has been initiated by
the Pakistan Government as an integrated part of the development scheme.


Most of the tropical hardwoods contain silicae
and other minerals more or less. Sawing of these timber
species is sometimes very difficult, since the cutting edges
of the saw teeth blunts quickly. Due to this sawing difficulty some of the timber species of the forest remain unutilised and are never brought to profitable use. Sometimes the
rate of dulling of the teeth is so high that time and labour
consumed in preparation and sharpening of the blades turn
into sheet waste. So, attempts to coat the cutting edges
of the saw teeth with some wear-resistance metal is justified*


Abstruct will be there

Last Published

Welcome to the Bangladesh Journal of Forest Science (BJFS) – a leading platform for advancing the knowledge and understanding of forest science in Bangladesh and beyond. Established with a commitment to excellence, BJFS serves as a cornerstone for researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts dedicated to the sustainable management and conservation of forest ecosystems.