A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
Black pepper (Piper nigrum, Linn.) locally known as gid marich – is a highly prized spice with heavy demand in the western countries. Oldrecords indicate that limited vines of the species were in Jessore and Sylhet districts. Large scale use of black pepper as a condiment and scope of its introduction for multiple use of land made the authors to initiate studies for cultivation and field studies in Bangladesh.
Trials were given to raise the vines from stem cuttings on trellis as well as on living support of available fruit trees. Different methods of raising cuttings were also evaluated. Growth, flowering and fruiting behaviour were also observed.
Because of limited stock, work on pollination mechanism and ratio of male and female flowers could not be undertaken.
But as a whole it appears to be a promising crop for introduction in Bangladesh.