A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
Acacia auriculiformis and A.mangium the two fast growing exotic species have been introduced to
Bangladesh for meeting the increasing demand offuelwood and poles. During last decade, thousands of
hectares of plantation have been raised with these two species. In a number of A. auriculiformis
plantations, several outstanding trees have been observed with good growth and vigour. These trees
possess many characteristics of both good growth and vigour. These trees possess many
characteristics ofboth A. auriculiformis andA. mangium. The hybrid trees coppice well and are somewhat
resistant to heartrot disease in addition to its higher growth rate. The per unit area productivity of this
hybrid would be higher than the existing output of either of the parent species. The use of vegetative
propagulesrather than seedlings as a commercialforestregeneration method present an opportunity in
genetic improvement.