

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

A field experiment was conducted for 4 years on patipata to find out the
relationship between planting spacing and yield potential. Three different propagules
viz. rhizome, branch cutting and rooted branch cutting were used as propagating
prologules. Production of average number of harvestable culms ranged from 506 to 560
plot’1 of 18 m2 area maintained in five different spacing on a four-year harvesting cycle


The study was undertaken to ascertain the growth performance of akashmoni
{Acacia auriculiformis) in the strip and block plantations ofBangladesh. Growth statisticslike
mean diameter at breast height (DBH), totalheight (Ht), volume over bark (Vob), basal area per
hectare per year (ba/ha/yr) and mean annual increment (MAI) were estimated using the
data collected from 6 to 10 years old plantations. The results showed that the growth
performance of the species was better in strip plantations compared to block plantations.
A financial analysis also favoured strip plantations over block plantations.


Pati-pata (Schumannianthus dichotoma)
belonging to the Family Marantaceae is one of
the important non – timber forest produces in
Bangladesh. It grows naturally in the swampy
areas as well as is cultivated in low-lying areas.
The stem of this shrub is used for the preparation
of mat, basket, bag and various novelty items
(Mohiuddin and Rashid 1988). The plant can be
grown using rhizome, branch cutting, rooted
cutting and seedling (Merry et al. 1997, Siddiqi et
al. 1998). However, the best performance was
obtained from planting rhizomes. It has been
reported that cultivation of pati-pata is more
profitable than that of paddy (Mohiuddin and
Rashid 1988). Thus fertilizer treatment was given
one year after planting before the monsoon to
observe its effect on the profitable enhancement in
yield. The treatment combinations of fertilizer
doses were as follows :
Tj = NPK each at 270 gm/plot
T, = NPK each at 540 gm/plot
T, = NPK each at 710 gm/plot
T() = No fertilizer (control)
The experiment was laid out in a
Randomized CompleteBlockDesign (RCBD) with
four replications at Bangladesh Forest Research
Institute campus, Chittagong. So, there were 16
plots each with a size of 4.5 m x 2 m. The plots


This paper presents information about growth, harvesting ages and yields for
jalibet (Calamus tenuis’), kerakbet (C. viniinalis) and gollabet (Dacmonorops jenkinsiana)
raised in semi-evergreen/deciduous forests of Bangladesh. Clump expansion with
increasing age was highest for C. tenuis and C. viniinalis in Chittagong, and for D.
jenkinsiana inSylhet. Mean annual height increments ofmain shoot of a clump ofC. tenuis,
C. viniinalis and D. jenkinsiana were 0.94 + 0.08,1.11+0.09 and 1.45±0.11 m respectively.
Highest number of shoots per clump was noticed for C. tenuis in Sylhet followed by
C. viniinalis and D. jenkinsiana in Chittagong. Mean diameters of the main shoot of these
species were 1.6 ± 0.1, 2.14 + 0.1 and 3.01 ± 0.13 cm respectively. Wildings were found
under the clumps with varying numbers. The exploitable ages for C. tenuis, C. viniinalis
and D. jenkinsiana appeared to be 6-8, 9-11 and 10-12 years respectively. Further
information and studies are needed to determine the harvesting cycle and suggest a
management plan for rattans.

Last Published

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