

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

The paper presents the method of raising seedlings of Calamus viminalis var.
fasciculatus and their performance after planting out. Germination per cent of C. viminalis
was 24.37. Sunlight was pre-requisite for the germination. Optimum time for seedling
pricking from the seed bed to the polybag was 90 days after germination, and in this 100%
survival could be obtained. A survival of 98% was observed in the wildings when they
were transferred from the field to the polybags at an average height of 8.5 cm. One year
old wildings were significantly lower in height in the nursery than that of one year old
polybag-raised seedlings. Survival of planted seedlings at Hinguli, Chittagong in the
field was 77.5% after one year. Average height increment of the seedlings was 25.5 cm
with usually 4-5 leaves one year following planting under a teak plantation.

Last Published

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