

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

In November 1989 two clumps of Thyrsostachys regia (Munro) Bennet (T. siamensis
Kurz ex Gamble) flowered in Bangladesh Forest Research Institute Bambusetum,
Chittagong. Flowering was of gregarious type and the clumps died after flowering.
Floral buds bloomed after 4-5 weeks of their initiation. There are two florets in a
spikelet and the flowers are protandrous. Anthesis generally occurred in the morning
and occasionally in the afternoon. Anther dehiscence started at noon and continued
for the whole afternoon. When in full bloom two bee species (Apis dorsata and an
unidentified one) were found to visit the flowers. Fruits matured after 60-70 days of
blooming. Squirrels and three bird species, Lonchura punctulata, L. striata and
L. malabarica) were found to feed on matured seeds.

Last Published

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