

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

Mangrove forests are the most productive coastal ecosystems of the tropical and sub-tropical areas (Hutchings and Sanger 1987). Mangroves play a crucial role in protecting the life and properties of the coastal communities from the cyclone and tidal surges. It provides habitats for many crustaceans, fishes and marine animals and deliver plant species that can produce both the timber and non-timber forest products that supports the livelihood of the coastal people (Tomlinson 1986; Hellier 1988; Pemadasa 1996; Kathiresan and Qasim 2005).


Coastal plantations mainly with SiMHerafifl fluids have been established by the Forest
Department on the newly accreted lands in the coastline of Bangladesh since 19*65-66, An
underplanting trial of 11 mangrove species was conducted in the existing S. ajritila plantations
along the western coastline [Patuakhali and Bhda) to assess the site-suitability and growth
performance of these species. Sun ival, height and diameter growth data from 16-21 years old
experimental stands of these species were analyzed. The highest survival was found in
EYCurrmu agallodin (62% and 59%) followed bv fiws (51% and 39%) and Xj/lucujpj(s
wAorigeusrf; (48% and 26%) among the I rec species at Rangaba 11 island of Patuakhali and Char
Kukri-Mukri island of Bhcla district. Among the shrub and palm species, the highest survival
was found in twruridu/mw (63%) followed bv fVwju.T ptiudtWJ (58%) and Nyjw
fndieain (4Q%) at Rangabali and the highest survival in P. p/dtithmti (71%) followed be N.
fnitnnus (56%) and A. cornkwtaftmj (46%) at Char Kukri-Mukri. The mean maximum height
growth was observed in E. (9.31 m and 9.29 m) followed by X. Miefcoji^usjs (6.84 m and
6.84 m) and H. Jews (6.19 tn and 5.65 m) in both Ute areas. The mean maximum diameter
growth was also observed in F. flrgnPoc/ifT (9.83 cm and 9.49 cm) followed by X, JMcAragrtisrs (7,97
cm and 7.34 cm) and (5,87cm and 5,34 cm) in bold Ihe nreas. Among the shrub and
palm species, A. curwkwMfwwr, P. pultidier and N. fridtmrs showed good height growth
performance in both die study areas, Therefore, these promising mangrove species (E. rtgiTifodm,
IE follies, X. luekiut^Hsis, A. amtfoulaiittH, P. pithkfcsw and M/hrfk’ims) may be suitable for raising
second rotation crops inside S. tqvtaJa plantations for sustainable management of coastal


The paper presents the method of raising seedlings of Calamus viminalis var.
fasciculatus and their performance after planting out. Germination per cent of C. viminalis
was 24.37. Sunlight was pre-requisite for the germination. Optimum time for seedling
pricking from the seed bed to the polybag was 90 days after germination, and in this 100%
survival could be obtained. A survival of 98% was observed in the wildings when they
were transferred from the field to the polybags at an average height of 8.5 cm. One year
old wildings were significantly lower in height in the nursery than that of one year old
polybag-raised seedlings. Survival of planted seedlings at Hinguli, Chittagong in the
field was 77.5% after one year. Average height increment of the seedlings was 25.5 cm
with usually 4-5 leaves one year following planting under a teak plantation.


Evaluation was made on growth response of one year old Eucalyptus camaldulensis
seedlings to various dose-combination of NP fertilizers under a comparatively poor site
condition of Silvicultural Research Station at Keochia. Results indicate that the maximum
average height (262.17 cm) and diameter (2.08 cm) of the seedlings in one year were
attained through application of urea and triple super phosphate (TSP) combinedly at the
rate of 30 and 20 g/pit respectively with a basal dose of muriate of potash (MP) at
20 kg/ha. Application of the above mentioned fertilizer dose promoted above-ground
green biomass production almost 8 times higher than the control. Subsequently, the
biomass distribution to shoot, leaf and twig was modified. The intake of nutritional
elements by the seedlings was found to increase due to application of fertilizer


Seedlings of Bambusa tidda Roxb. and Dendrocalamus strict us Nees were grown in the
nursery under four different light conditions, viz. sunlight, partial sunlight, shade, and
6 hours photoperiod up to nine months of age. Almost all the seedlings were dead (80 to
90%) under shade and 6-hr grolux electric light photoperiod conditions after 200 -270
days. Survival was highest (80-95%) under both sunlight and partial sunlight condition.
The seedlings were comparatively healthy, green and tall under partial sunlight. Under
these two light conditions seedings started clump formation within three months of age.
The clump formation was delayed and a very few bamboo seedlings formed weak clumps
under shade and 6 hours photoperiod conditons.

Last Published

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