

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

This paper deals with the effects of soil physical properties on sissoo (Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.)
mortality. A research was conducted at different severely affected sissoo mortality sites of Chittagong,
Chuadanga, Comilla, Kushtia, Meherpur and Tangail districts of Bangladesh during 2008-2010. During
pre-and post monsoon and drought period soil and root samples were collected from the different sites. Soil
properties (soil texture, pH, organic matter, moisture content and bulk density) were analyzed and fungal
strains, mites and bacteria were isolated. From the analyses of data, average moisture content at the 0-30 cm
soil depth was found higher in Daulotpur (18.58%) followed by Jibonnagar (18.11%), Potia (15.92%) and
Mehepur Sadar (15.02%) respectively and lower in all sites of Tangail district (5.52-1.76%). It is observed
that fine textured soil and root interference enhances pathogenic attack. Findings reveal to conclude that
moisture stress period as well as temperature supports activities of Fusarium solani and mortality symptoms expressed prominently.


Physical and chemical properties of some soils from Madhupur rubber plantation area in Bangladesh have been studied. Results of particle-size distribution, oven dry/air dry ratio, field moisture capacity, pH, organic carbon, total nitrogen, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and exchangeable cations of the soils on depth basis have been presented. The nutrient contents of these soils have also been reported. With respect to nutrient status and physico-chemical properties, these soils are considered to have good potentiality and prospect for increased production of rubber, if proper attention and management practices are adopted.


Survival, establishment and early growth of six major and economically important
mangrove plant species, namely sundri (Heritiera fames), gewa (Excoecaria agallocha),
goran (Ceriops decandra), passur (Xylocarpus mekongensis), kankra (Bruguiera sp.) and
baen (Aviccnnia officinalis) were studied in two salinity zones (moderate and strong
saline) of the Sundarbans mangrove forests of Bangladesh at the age of five years after
planting. The objective of the study was to enrich the vacant and poorly regenerated
areas of the Sundarbans for its sustainable production and management.
The percentages of planted seedling’s survival and establishment by fencing at
moderate saline zone were 84.9, 74.3, 63.5, 60.6, 40.6 and 38.9 for gewa, goran, sundri,
kankra, passur and baen respectively. The average height growths of these species were
1.94 m, 1.04 m, 0.90 m, 1.18 m, 1.71 m and 2.90 m respectively. Except gewa and goran
all the seedlings of other four species died due to deer browsing when planted in
unfenced condition.

Last Published

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