

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

Effect of pre-sowing treatments on seed germination of jigni (Trema orientalis) was conducted in different growing media to optimize cultural practices for raising seedlings at nursery level. The study was conducted during 2017-2020 at Headquarters Nursery, Silviculture Research Division, Bangladesh Forest Research Institute, Chattogram. The experiment for the nursery technique were laid out in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The seeds of Trema orientalis have been observed to exhibit physical dormancy due to presence of hard seed-coat. To overcome this problem, seeds were heated with six water soaking treatments except two (Coated seed without treatment, To and un-coated seeds without soaking treatment, T00) and were sown in germination media such as trays, polybags and seed beds. Six pre-sowing treatments were, Coated seeds immersed in normal water for 24 hours (Tj), 72 hours (T2) and 120 hours (T3) and un-coated seeds dipped in normal water for 24 hours (T01), 72 hours (TQ2) and 120 hours (T03) respectively. Jigni seeds showed the highest germination (75.94%) in TQ3 sown in seed bed and lowest Too (20.24%) which was significantly (P<0.05) different from other treatments. The result also showed that the highest mean height (88.5 cm) and collar diameter (3.77 nun) was recoided in T03. These findings revealed that, seeds soaked in normal water for 120 horns and then sown in seedbed were found suitable for quick germination and maximum seedlings production for jigni.

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