

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

The paper deals with seed germination behavior and seedling growth performance of Calamus latifolius Roxb; with 5 pre-sowing treatments in the nursery and field conditions. The pre-treatments of seeds were i) seeds soaked in tap water for 24 hours, ii) soaked in tap water for 48 hours iii) soaked in 20% H2SO4 for 10 minutes iv) scarification with wire net and v) control (Seeds were sown without any treatment). Pre-treated seeds were sown in the seed bed filled with soil and decomposed cow dung at 3:1 ratio. The growth performance of the seedlings were determined by transferring 30-35 days old seedlings (having 2-3 leaves) from germination bed to the polybags filled with soil and decomposed cow dung media. Plantation in the field was made with one year old seedling. Germination percentage significantly (p ≤ 0.05) enhanced with pre-sowing treatments and maximum germination percentage (70) was recorded in seed scarified by wire net and the lowest (44%) was in control. Growth performance was also influenced by pre-sowing treatments in the nursery and highest (1008) vigor index was found in seed scarified by wire net and lowest (475) in control. Seedlings survival percentage was over 92% after one year of plantation in the field. Average height was recorded 123.1 cm after two years of planting. Thus, seeds scarified by wire net can be suggested for nursery raising and one-year old seedlings may be out planted at 2m ×2m spacing for successful plantations of the species.


Mature seeds of Uvaria cordata (Dunal) Alston were sown in polybag, nursery bed, propagator house, and root trainer and investigated to find out the suitable media for raising seedlings for conservation programs of species in Chittagong University Campus. The germination percentage, germination index, germination value, shoot length, collar diameter, leaf number were assessed for 12 months old seedlings in the nursery. The germination percentage (92.31%), germination energy (35.89%), and germination value (2.6493) were found the highest in T2 treatment (seed sown in nursery bed) and significantly (p<0.05) different from other treatments except for To (polybag). Maximum germination index (0.2713), germination uniformity (0.0039), and minimum germination start time (30 days) observed in To (polybag), significantly (p< 0.05) different from other treatments. After 12 months of germination, maximum shoot height (25.57 cm), collar diameter (6.32 mm) and leaf number (16.40) revealed highest in T3 treatment. Seeds sown in polybags were revealed comparatively better germination behavior than other treatments. Seeds
sown in root trainer were found suitable for vigorous seedlings production for Uvaria cordata.


The paper deals with seed germination and seedlings growth performance of Calamus erectus in the nursery and field conditions. Clean seeds were sown in the seed bed filled with soil and decomposed cow dung at 3sl ratio. Seeds started germination after 52 days of sowing and completed within 76 days with maximum 78% germination. The survival performance of the seedlings was determined by transferring the seedlings from germination bed to the polybags from 10-80 days after germination with 10 days interval. Optimum survival (100%) was found significant (p<0.05) transferring after 30-40 days of germination from seedbed to polybag. Plantation in the field was made with one year old seedling at 2.0 m x 2.0 m spacing. Average seedlings survival was 94% after one year of plantation in the field. Mean seedling height was recorded 94.6 cm after two years of planting. Survival of seedlings and growth performance in the field were satisfactory when one year old seedlings were out-planted. Clean or decoated seeds for nursery raising and one year old seedlings were found suitable for successful plantation raising of Calamus erectus.


The growth and biomass production of 17 provenances of Acacia mangium were
studied at the age of 5.5 years at Keochia Silvicultural Research Station, Chittagong.
The provenances showed significant differences in survival, height and diameter
(dbh) growth. In terms of height and dbh, Boite PNG provenance has shown the best
performance among the 17 provenances. But the provenance Iron Range QLD,
produced maximum (15.7 t/ha/yr) above-ground oven-dry biomass followed by
NW of Ingham QLD (11.8 t/ha/yr).


The genus Xylocarpus (Family: Meliaceace) is represented by five species, namely X.australisicus Raidley, X. granatum Koening, X. molucccnsis Lamk. Roem, X. gangeticus Parkison and X. parvifolius, and they are distributed in the tropical mangrove forests (Saenger ct al. 1993). The two speciesX. granatum and X. molucccnsis are found also in the Sundarbans, Khulna (Chaffey and Sandom 1985) and Chakaria Sundarbans of Chittagong (Brandis 1906, Troup 1921).


The paper presents the seed germination and seedling growth of jali-bet (Calamus tenuis Roxb.) based on studies at Bangladesh Forest Research Institute, Chittagong. Germination percentages were 70 for whole fruit, 10 for seed with pulp, and 86.66 for clean seeds. Survival was 95.6% in the field when one year old seedlings raised in polybags were planted. In 18 months after planting the seedlings attained a height of 109.78 cm with 3.34 number of culms per plant. Clean seeds for nursery raising, and one year old seedlings for out planting were found suitable for successful plantations.

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