

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

This paper presents information on propagation and culm production of Bambusa
vulgaris and B. polymorpha by node cutting method. Five clumps each of B. vulgaris and B.
polymorpha were selected for the study. One culm from each clump of both the species were
collected and segmented into one-node cutting of 30 pieces in three sections (upper, middle and
lower) with sharp saw. Then propagules were developed from node cuttings in the soil bed
nursery during the rainy season (June-July). Node cutting of only middle portion of the culm
produced roots and rhizomes. Sixty six percent node cutting of B. vulgaris and sixty percent of B.
polymorpha of the middle portion produced roots. After having rooted and rhizomed successfully,
10 healthy propagules were planted at a spacing of 3.5 m x 3.5 m in the field for their growth
performance. Node cuttings of B. vulgaris produced 4.28 culms and those of B. polymorpha
produced 2.12 culms per clump per year. There is significant difference of culm production at 5%
level (t = 3.5678). After five years of the planting, the bamboo attained merchantable size and was
harvested from the clumps of both the species. This method with no temperature and moisture
control facilities and propagation structure was found suitable for the farmer.

Last Published

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