

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

The mangrove of Sundarbans in Bangladesh is intended to be managed on a
sustained yield basis. But a remarkable decline in the growing stock of the merchantable
trees is reported in recent decades. This necessitates exploring avenues for improving
productivity of the forests. There are sizeable areas in the Sundarbans with scanty or
little vegetation due to failure in natural regeneration. Rehabilitation of poorly
stocked and vacant areas by enrichment planting could play a vital role in increasing
the wood production of the forests.
This paper discusses the scope of artificial regeneration in the Sundarbans to
improve the stocking and the yield. Research findings available in this direction have
been reviewed. Excoecaria agallocha and Ceriops decandra appear to be suitable for
planting in less productive but normally inundated areas. Plantations of Nypa
fruticans can be established on vacant canal or riverbanks over the greater parts of the
forests. The raised lands that do not support mangrove vegetation can be planted
with non-mangrove species like Sanianea saman, Albizia procera, Lagerstroemia speciosa
and Acacia nilotica. Studies have been initiated for a remedy to the problem of top
dying of Heritiera fonies, the dominant species of the forest. Research activities from
various aspects are underway to evolve methods to increase tree density and forest

Last Published

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