

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

The composition and diversity of native tree species of Moulvibazar natural forests of
Sylhet Forest Division were investigated. A total of 1,051 individual stems having dbh of & 5cm
were recorded from 1.44 ha sampled area. These comprise 81 native bee species belonging to
59 genera under 33 families. Moraceae and Euphorbiaceae dominated in the Study area
containing 9 and 8 species respectively followed by Rubiaceae (7), Myrtaceae and Vefbenaceae
(6 species each). Average species diversity was 3.4L) and ranged from 3.21-3.61 in the studyarea. Species similarity index was highest (69.72%) between Lawachara and Adampur followed
by Adampur and Gubindapur (65-4%) and lowest (62.7″i>) between Lawachata and Gi’bindpur.
Tree density was found 573 stems ha’1 in Lawachara, 860 stem ha J in Adampur (Kalengi) and
756 stems ha”1 in Gobindapur. Artoccrptts eftawa showed the highest (32,63 m2) basal area rn
Lawadiara followed by Liigerstrarraiir ptiroi/tara (6.98 tn2) and Cliiikrirsir wfiittW (5.74 m2), but in
Adampur maximum basal area showed by fyzygitiNrJinwiV (2.39 in2) followed by Artorpirs
c/jfijrju (2,04 m2), CasfaiJcpsrs tribidordea (1.24 m2), while in Gobindapur, meximam basal area
recorded for ftotrnirpre; vnnnwit (1.31m2) followed by Atia.’fltpits dtaitm (1.(34 m2) and l/tiex
ptfesrrns (0.82 m2). Highest Importance Value Index (TV!) in Lawadiara natural forests was
86.92 for Arhymprrx ttaw followed by I ngeralnriuin ptinriflwa (29.53), Chukraiia ivlutina fl5-11},
but in Adampur Sy^iunj firmum attains the highest IVI (39.92) followed by Casfimppsts
fribdoitfcs (17.62), Artomrpns dmjjir (17.46), Lagerstroemia pantiflom (15.62) and Efa’ocnrpws
rrjrjrjjir (15.41), while, in Gobirtdapur, the highest IVI was recorded for FforciTtfpjis uantmtf
(22.32) followed by Vita pubescetts (15.06) and Si/zygititti[omasum (14,71


The composition and diversity of native tree species in all topographical positions
of Dud-Pukuria Natural Forest in Chittagong (South) Forest Division, Bangladesh were
investigated. A total of 667 individual stems having dbh >10 cm were recorded from 3.2
hectare sampled area. These 77 native tree species belongs to 32 family and 53 genera


Diversity and distribution pattern of tree species of Bamu Reserved Forest of
Cox’s Bazar were studied by count plot method for analysing stand composition. A
total of 85 tree species were recorded from the forest of which 77 species belonging
to 30 families were identified. Leguminosae and Moraceae ranked top with seven
species followed by Verbenaceae and Euphorbiaceae each with six species. The
Importance Value Index (IVI) of each species was calculated to characterize the
composition of vegetation. Bursera serrata showed the highest (18.91) IVI followed
by Artocarpus chania (14.82), Pterospernium acerifolium (14.04), Hopea odorata (13.73),
Glochidion multiloculare (13.19) and Vitex peduncularis (10.51). Distribution of the
number of individuals of each species in nine diameter classes ( 80cm with
10cm intervals) were calculated with respect to total individuals. It showed that
maximum percentage of individuals (35.08%) belonged to 80cm) represented the lowest percentage (1.82%).
Bursera serra tahad the highest (8.04%) percentage distribution followed by Glochidion
multiloculare (7.67%), Dipterocarpus turbinatus (5.85%), Hopea odorata (5.36%),
Pterospernium acerifolium (4.87%), Bauhinia acuminata (4.03%) and Lagerstroemia speciosa
(3.05%). The rest of the species had values < 2.8%.

Last Published

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