

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

The Dhanmondi Lake Aiea (DLA), Dhaka possesses an overview performance for being an ideal site for bird’s habitat because of its landscape, planted vegetation coverage, old trees and wetland. A study on the avian species diversity, richness and abundance, status, and seasonal variation was conducted from July 2019 to June 2021 in the green space of Dhanmondi Lake Aiea, Dhaka, Bangladesh. A total 57 species of avian fauna belonging to 12 orders, 27 families and 43 genera were recorded during the study period. Among the bird species passerines constituted the highest 30 species (56% of the total species) belonging to 15 families and 23 genera and non-passerine represented 27 species (44% of the total species) belonging to 13 families and 20 genera. Among the total species recorded during the study period 47 (82.46%) were resident bird species and 10 (17.54%) were migratory species. Identified birds’ abundances, richness and threats to them were also discussed in this article.


An attempt was
different locations of Bangladesh. In this study, comparative season wise survey was conducted during
2010-2015. Disease incidence % of six commercially cultivated medicinal plants viz. Ashwagandha
(Withania somnifera L.) Dunal, Gritakanchon (Aloe indica L.), Kalomegh {Andrographispeniculata Nees),
Tulsi {Qcimwn sanctum L.), Basok (Adhatoda vasica Nees) and Shotomoly {Asparagus racemosus L.) was
recorded. Common diseases on all the six plants were recorded which included root rot and leaf blight in
Ashwagandha, leafspots and collar rot in Gritakanchon, Powdery mildew and root rot in Tulsi, leafblight
and collar rot in Kalomegh, wilting and die-back in Basok, tuber rot and stem rot in Shotomoly. The causal
organisms were identified as Fusarium equiseti (Corda.) Sacc., Alternaria altemata (Fries) Keissler,
Cochliobolus lunatus (Nelson & Hassig), Rhizopus stolonifer (Ehrenberg ex.
Fusarium oxysporiiun (Schlecht), Colletotrichum sp. respectively. The study revealed that most of the
incidences of the diseases were found in monsoon than pre-monsoon comparatively. Moderate to severe
damage by the diseases were observed in all the six medicinal plant highest (91.45%) disease incidence was
recorded in Ashwagandha for root rot disease and lowest (68.05%) disease incidence was recorded in
Shotomoly for the same disease.


Lizard diversity in the Chittagong University Campus (CUC) was studied from August 2012 to
December 2014. Seventeen species belonging to four families (Agamidae, Gekkonidae, Scincidae and
Varanidae) and eight genera {Calotes, Gekko, Hemidactylus, Eutropis, Lygosoma, Scincella,
Sphenomorphus and Varanus) under the Order Squamata were recorded. Family Scincidae comprised the
highest number of species (7 i.e., 41.18%) and Agamidae was the lowest (2 i.e., 11.76%). Status,
distribution and habitat of the lizards in the CUC have been discussed

Last Published

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