

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

The bagworm, Cryptothelea crameri Westwood (Psychidae : Lepidoptera) is an
important pest of many ornamental, horticultural and forest plants in Bangladesh. The
larva feeds on young leaves and tender bark by making and living within a portable bag
of leaves, twigs, barks, spines, etc. The biology, host range, number of generations, and
seasonal abundance of the pest have been dealt with in this paper. Brachymeria sp.
(Braconidae: Hymenoptera) wasfound to parasitize its larva. The pestcould be collected
and destroyed by hand. It could also be controlled by the foliar application ofmalathion
(Malathion 57 EC) at 0.1% concentration.


This paper reports the distribution, nature and impact of damage, life
history, number of generations in a year, host records and biocontrol agents of
the beehole borer, Zenzera conferta Walker (Cossidae : Lepidoptera) infesting
keora (Sonneratia apetala Buch.-Ham.) plantations along the coastal belt of
Bangladesh. The pest profusely tunnels in the stem rendering the tree to wind
breakage. It probably completes two generations in a year. Besides keora, the
pest attacks Sonneratia caseolaris, Avicennia officinalis, A. alba and Tamanx indica.
Woodpeckers (Dinopium benghalense and Picoides canicapilltis) and a small black
ant were found to feed on the larvae and pupae of the pest.

Last Published

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