

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

This paper reports the infestation of teak canker grub, Dihammus cervinus Hope
(Cerambycidae : Coleoptera) in teak plantations of Bangladesh. It deals with the
nature and extent of damage, distribution, life history, number of generation and
host plants of the pest and its control measures. The pest affected on an average 14%
of the saplings. The attack was found mainly during the age of 2 – 6 years with a peak
in the third year. The pest was more prevalent in Chittagong Hill Tracts (North and
South) than in Chittagong or Cox’s Bazar Forest Divisions. An infested sapling often
contained one canker, but it might have up to four cankers. A canker usually
contained one larva but it might have 2-3 larvae. Most of the cankers were found at
or near the base of the saplings. About 10% of the infested saplings were found
broken at the cankered site. As regards to control measures, application of carbofuran
5G @ 6 gms/sapling at thebase and subsequently watered gave nearly 70% mortality
of the larvae.

Last Published

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