

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

Evaluation was made on growth response of one year old Eucalyptus camaldulensis
seedlings to various dose-combination of NP fertilizers under a comparatively poor site
condition of Silvicultural Research Station at Keochia. Results indicate that the maximum
average height (262.17 cm) and diameter (2.08 cm) of the seedlings in one year were
attained through application of urea and triple super phosphate (TSP) combinedly at the
rate of 30 and 20 g/pit respectively with a basal dose of muriate of potash (MP) at
20 kg/ha. Application of the above mentioned fertilizer dose promoted above-ground
green biomass production almost 8 times higher than the control. Subsequently, the
biomass distribution to shoot, leaf and twig was modified. The intake of nutritional
elements by the seedlings was found to increase due to application of fertilizer

Last Published

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