

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

the aim nf the study was to estimate carbon Stockof 18-year old three plantations species
iiamelv Acacia aurietdifonuis Gunn., A&tiidrepfta/ifs c/itnrnsrs Lamk. and Tt’ctonrr ^rmjdrs L.
Systematic sampling method was used to identify each sampling point through the Global
Positioning System (GPS), I ree biomass estimated by Loss on Ignition method and soil carbon
slock was dertemuned by Walklev-Black oxidation method. Results showed that the total
carbon stock was highest 211.119 ton-ha 1 in AcnriitaiirinrhjfcYwis plantation. The maximum litter
carbon was 2.46 ton-ha^ in TtYtoJia jjrandis plantation followed by 1.89 toji-ha-t in Arrttao-ptaMs
rlrijjensis. Selection of plantation tree species according to highest carbon slock capacity may
help the developing countries to earn more carbon err’dits, and in the long rim, to tackle the
climate change.

Last Published

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