

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

The study was initiated to evaluate economic impact ofthe treated and untreated bamboo materials using in
betel leaf farms. A large number of bamboo culms were consumed because of frequently replacement of
bamboo materials in betel leaffarms. Due to growing population and rising demand for bamboo materials,
these resources were in decreasing day to day. For preserving bamboo materials into treated form that were
needed only 35% to 40% additional cost ofits’ existing market price. The usable durability ofthese treated
form ofthickness basis bamboo materials would be increased and stand for at least 2 to 5 years. A notable
number of 1127 ha’1 (64%) bamboo culms were being saved per year in the study areas because of treated
technology adaptation. The mean IRR, B-C ratio and PVNB were determined to be 40%, 1.21 and Tk.12.1
lakh ha’ for treated farms and 19%, 1.04 and Tk. 3.2 lakh ha’1 respectively for untreated ones. Ifthe treated
materials arc able to be disseminated and covered in betel leaffarms ofthe country, a significant number of
1.44 crore bamboo culms will be saved. Therefore, using treated bamboo materials in betel leaffarms were
economically viable and environmentally most desirable

Last Published

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