

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

Hybridization of Acacia auriculiformis and
Acacia mangium occurs naturally because both are
pollen-pistil compatible, found within the same
habitat with overlapping flowering time and share
common pollinators (Zakaria 1991). Natural hybrids
of these two species are reported in Sabah
(Tham 1976) and Papua New Guinea (Turnbull
et al. 1986). The tree form of the hybrid of these two
species is satisfactory because of better stem
straightness, self-pruning stability, better stem
circularity and more disease resistance (FRIM
1992). Species/provenance trials of A auriculiformis
and A. mangium were established at Charkai,
Dinajpur, Bangladesh in 1983,1985 and 1987 at a
spacing of 1.83 m x 1.83 m covering an area of 1 ha.
The seeds were imported from Australia for these
trial plantations. Eight hybrid trees of these two
fast growing tree species were observed in the
plantation raised in 1983. The hybrids found sporadically
distributed in the plantations were identified
by the light colour of their bark. Banik et al.
(1995) also reported some hybrids of these two
species at Harbang forest areas of Chittagong
Forest Division. Some phenological information
and growth performance of these hybrids found
at Charkai are reported in this paper.
The phenological observations of the hybrids
were made very carefully every day for a period of

Last Published

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