A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
The Acacia hybrid, a cross between Acacia mangium and Acacia auriculiformis, grows in
Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and China (Kha 2000; Kijkar 1992; Rufelds 1987, 1988).
At present forest department and local people of Bangladesh have been planting thousands of
hectares of these species. Acacia hybrid is a fast growing medium sized leguminous tree. The
species is more productive than either of the parent species. The wood density is slightly higher
than A. mangium, and moreover the shape of the log is almost completely round, which renders
Acacia hybrid as a valuable and excellent source oftimber (Jusoh et.al 2014). In Bangladesh it has
very limited use. Due to this Bangladesh Forest Research Institute has been conducting research to
determine its end use for efficient utilization. Scientists found that the species is fine grained and
may be used for making furniture, small hand tools, cabinet door frame, window frame and pulp
and paper (Rokeya et.al 2010). It peels easily and produces the best quality veneer which can be
used for decorative purpose, plywood for general use and particleboard (Rahaman et.al 2012). To
this end, hardboard making study is undertaken for knowing the suitability ofthe species.