A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
A study was conducted on the status, distribution and morphometry of rats in Jahangirnagar University
campus, Savar, Dhaka, from May 2014 to April 2015. Ten cage traps with baits were placed in six selected
sites fbr capturing rats and mice. Six species of rats and mice viz, Rattus rattus, R. norvegicus, Bandicota
bengalensis, B. indica, Mus musculus and Vandeleuria oleracea were recorded. Among these R. rattus, M.
niusculus, V. oleracea were very common and R. rattus found in all habitats except grassland whereas M.
musculus found in household condition and bushy area. V. oleracea was mostly distributed in woodland and
bushy areas. On the contrary, B. bengalensis and R. norvegicus were common in household condition and
bushy area. Bandicota indica was uncommon and found only edge ofthe wetland and cultivated areas. The
mean body length and the tail length ofR. rattus and M. musculus were 15.59 cm, 17.20 cm and 6.24 cm,
8.22 cm respectively while the mean body length and tail length of V. oleracea were 13.83 cm and 17.69
cm. The mean body length and the tail length of B. bengalensis were 15.94 cm and 16.31 cm respectively
while the mean body length and the tail length ofR. norvegicus were 15.68 cm and 12.84 cm respectively.
B. indica attained mean body length and tail length 26.51 cm and 25.35 cm respectively.