A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
Earlier investigations on kraft pulping studies of Albizzia moluccana Miq. wood (1) reveals that pulp of good physical strength properties could be obtained from this exotic wood species. After the successful completion of the kraft pulping, attention has been diverted to observe the response to the Semi—chemical pulping of the wood. If the response is positive, it may be possible to suplement the existing short supply of pulp-wood in Bangladesh by introducing large scale plantation of Albizzia moluccana. Several logs of Albizzia moluccana were collected from the tea-gardens of Khadimnagar, District Sylhet, Bangladesh. After debarking, these logs were sawn to 6* x 4″ x 4” sizes and left for air-drying by stacking. Chipping was subsequently done in a laboratory model Murrey chipper to 1″ x 72″ x 78″ sizes. The chips were hand sorted to remove the over and undersized ones. Moisture content of the chips were then determined.
Albizzia moluccana is a fast growing tree of Leguminosae family and Mimoseae sub—family, with light foliage and straight clean bole. The wood is soft and light. It grows rapidly in the wet zone (in the rainfall, range of 75 inches to 200 inches) and reaches 32 ft. in height in about four years. The chief use in Bangladesh appears to be for shade purpose in, tea garden:.., o -her probable uses include making of tea-chests and planks. This species is a native of Moluccas and Java (2).