A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
Data collected from twelve permanent sample plots (PSP) in the Sundarbans mangrove forest on seedling regeneration from 1981 to 1987 indicated two main problems i.c., appearance of insufficient number of seedlings compared to die vast area of seedling regeneration and failure of seedlings to survive and establish themselves. Average number of seedlings appearing per year was 35,625/ha. There was, of course, wide variation in the availability of seedlings among the plots located in different representative areas of the forest. Of the total new seedlings, Heritiera fomes constituted 41.27%; and Excoecaria agallocha 54% while the remaining 4.73% were seedlings of other species.
Any decreasing trend in yearly appearance ofseedlings was not noticed. Salinity of the area might influence the regeneration which decreased with increasing soil salinity. Relationship between regeneration status and number of standing trees was found insignificant. In some plots, seedlings appeared abundantly. However, seedling halflife for H. fomes in less saline and strongly saline areas was 11.15 and 10.10 months
respectively and for E.agallocha 7.15 and 11.80 months respectively. Seedlings of other species completely disappeared within 27 months. Factors other than salinity might also be involved in matters of survival of seedlings.