A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
Vegetative propagation of silkoroi (Albizia procera), lohakath (Xylia kerrii) and sal (Shorea robusta) from root cuttings was tried. The results on the propagating environment with silkoroi root cuttings showed that a mixture of sawdust-sand medium in open bed was found more suitable than the sand medium in open bed and gravel medium in the mist bed. The age of the stock plant from which lohakath root cuttings were collected appears to have an important influence on their success rate and sucker production. Rooted cuttings taken from the three years old transplants regenerated more successfully than the cuttings taken from the mature trees. Sucker production is higher in longer and thicker cuttings, but when a thin (4-5 mm) and longer (10 or 15 cm) cuttings or thick (5.1-10 mm or 10.1-15 mm) and small (5 cm) cuttings were used poor regenerative capacity was observed. All successful cuttings of silkoroi and lohakath produced both roots and shoots. Regeneration of sal from root cuttings was not successful.