A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
Seeds of Ipil-Ipil imported from the Philippines were experimentally tried at Charaljani (Tangail) and Keochia (Chittagong) to compare
the growth performance of the cultivars.
Survival percentages of the three cultivars, K8, K27 and K67 at Charaljani were 96, 94 and 93 respectively, whereas at Keochia they were
89, 75 and 80 respectively. Height growth at Charaljani was almost double that at Keochia. The height growth after 140 days at Charaljani
was 63.5 cm, 35.5 cm and 38 cm for K8, K27 and K67 respectively. The above-ground biomass (green weight basis) in 9 month old trees was 11.34 Kg for K8, 9.97 Kg for K27 and 9.0 Kg. for K67 at Charaljani. These figures were better than those at Keochia. The plots at Keochia were, therefore, abandoned later.
The second assessment was done 5 years later. The average green weights of all the cultivars together were 10 Kg per tree and 52 metric
tons per ha with survival of 68%. An MAI/ha of 10.0 metric tons was recorded. The corresponding air-dry weights were 7.3 Kg. 39 metric tons and 7.8 tons respectively. The oven-dry weights were 5.8 Kg, 30 tons and 6.1 tons. The biomass production for K8 was 15.4 tons/ha/yr., which was significantly higher than those of other two cultivars.