A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
Deer is an important mammalian fauna of Bangladesh. It plays an important role in maintaining the forest ecosystem. Blanford, in 1888, recorded five species of deer in this region. These were the Barking Deer (Mjintiaciis inuntjak Zimmermann), the Spotted Deer (Axis axis Erxleben), the Hog Deer (Axis porcinus Zimmermann), the Swamp Deer (Cervns diivanceli Cuvier) and the Sambar (Cervas unicolor Kerr). However, updating of this old record was necessary because during this period wanton deforestation and indiscriminate huntings had taken place resulting in ecological changes and disappearance of quite a few animal species. A reconnaissance survey of the wildlife of Bangladesh was, therefore, carried out between April and December, 1978 ; and special attention was given to ascertain the present position of deer.