A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
Land capability evaluation for soils ofthe High Terraces (Madhupur Tract) and of the Tertiary Hills has been done according to FAO’s framework for land evaluation. Parametric limitation indices suggested by Sys for use of the FAO system have been followed. General Soil Types were considered as the land units for rating the actual and potential classes based on soil and climatic characteristics as well as the environmental conditions.
Madhupur Tract area has a less favourable climatic condition for growing oilpalm than the northern and eastern hilly areas. Only well to imperfectly drained soils of the Madhupur Tract and of the Tertiary Hills have been found to be suitable to very suitable for growing oilpalm. Frequent flooding on Grey Terrace Soils and on Grey Piedmont Soils have been considered as a serious limitation for this crop. Occasionally flooded Grey Terrace Soils, Grey Piedmont Soils and the steeply sloping (> 30%) Brown Hill Soils have been rated as marginally suitable for this crop.