A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
Seven plant extracts and seven fungicides were tested to centre! the wilting disease of
Dnlhetjfrt sisstJf’ caused by Ftiwrtitrji srifafti f. Plant extracts of Viir.i
(Nishinda), AijJif/rtk’Wii inditB (Neem), (Vijiijujt tas/hcimi (Tulsi), Tagdei patuia (Gandha),
ftyrfftpiper (Bishkantali), AihrrMfl vasicfi (Basok) and Grutelfo ii-dfej (Thankuni) were
tested tn 100%, 50:. and 25:T conienFrdlion in Cnntroiling the vegetative growth of the fungus.
Basilieum inhibited the highest amount, about 56% growth of the culture. A. vasicn and I7,
jEgHndo wen? the second and third in controlling about 43% and about 42% of the vegetative
growth. C. asiotica controlled 40% while A. mdicn and T. jwtrda controied 39% and 37%. P.
In/drvpifi’r was the least effective antifungal that inhibited about 32% growth of the tested