A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
Top shoot borer damage causing high mortality to cane in the cane arboretum of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute is reported. The causal pest was identified as Ommatolapus hacmorrhoidalis (Wiedemann ) (Curculionidae : Coleoptera). The nature and extent of damage by the pest and susceptibility of different species of cane, viz., jai or jali bet (Calamus guruba), karak or kirink or- baro bet ( C. viminalis var. fasciculatus), bhudum bet (C. latifolius) and golak or golla bet (Daemonorops jenkinsianus) to the pest were studied. Jali
bat was found to be highly susceptible to the attack of the pest showing 62.7±4.62% shoot infestation whereas the other species were resistant to the attack of this pest.