A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
The seminar was sponsored by the Food & Agriculture
Organisation and the International Labour Organisation of the
United Nations, and hosted by the Forestry Agency of the Government of Japan. 13 countries of Asia and the Far East .participated in the Seminar with 26 participants. The primary object of
the Seminar was to introduce improved forest working technique
and the training of forest workers in the countries in Asia and
the Far East. While in Europe, U.S.A., Canada and other developed countries substantial progress has been made in introduction of improved forest working technique and training of forest
workers in various specific jobs, many of the developing countries could not substantially contribute in these lines. The
importance of introduction of improved techniques in forestry
. operation and the vital role played by the workers in making it
a success, cannot be over emphasised. Pakistan like many other
developing countries could not yet introduce the improved forest
. working techniques and the forest workers’ training in the r£al
sense of the term. The training programme in Pakistan is at present limited to the supervisory staff of Forest Department.. No
step has yet been taken to train the forest workers to obtain
the maximum benefit.