A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
Introduction :
This paper describes the paper making properties of
various types of paper prepared from the mixture of 8(eight) minor
hardwood species, viz, Itchri (Anogeissus acuminata), Amra
(Spondias pinnata) , Barta (Artocarpus lakoocha), Champhata
(Sapium baccatum) , Gutgutia (Walsura robusta), Chakua koroi
(Albizzia chinensis) , Kuramara (Pithecolobium angulatum) r -Jagga
dumur (Ficus glomerata). These minor hardwoods are scattered all
over Chittagong and Chittagong Hill Tract areas. In an earlier
work conducted in this Institute (1) chemical and semichemical
pulping studies of these mixed species were performed and the
effects of various pulping variables on the resultant pulps were