A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
One soil series, Hyanko covering 75% of the land and one soil complex, Hyanko Rangamati with 50% occurrence of the Rangamati scries in the remaining portion were recognized from a detailed soil survey of Hyanko Seed Orchard Centre of BFRI and the adjoining 1976 teak plantation and mapped on phase level. The Hyanko scries has been classified as Plinthic Palcustults and the Rangamali scries as Typic Dystrochrcpts. Hyanko scries contains ironmanganese nodules to the extent of 15% in the upper 100 cm. Although the soil fertility is low, the planted gamar ramcis arc growing successfully and do not show much variation in growth except on eroded phase. Similar land can be utilized by introducing nitrogen fixing short rotation fuel wood species on eroded phase and economically important timber trees on gently sloping to moderately steep and smooth relief phases even without manuring.