

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

The paper deals with seed germination behavior and seedling growth performance of Calamus latifolius Roxb; with 5 pre-sowing treatments in the nursery and field conditions. The pre-treatments of seeds were i) seeds soaked in tap water for 24 hours, ii) soaked in tap water for 48 hours iii) soaked in 20% H2SO4 for 10 minutes iv) scarification with wire net and v) control (Seeds were sown without any treatment). Pre-treated seeds were sown in the seed bed filled with soil and decomposed cow dung at 3:1 ratio. The growth performance of the seedlings were determined by transferring 30-35 days old seedlings (having 2-3 leaves) from germination bed to the polybags filled with soil and decomposed cow dung media. Plantation in the field was made with one year old seedling. Germination percentage significantly (p ≤ 0.05) enhanced with pre-sowing treatments and maximum germination percentage (70) was recorded in seed scarified by wire net and the lowest (44%) was in control. Growth performance was also influenced by pre-sowing treatments in the nursery and highest (1008) vigor index was found in seed scarified by wire net and lowest (475) in control. Seedlings survival percentage was over 92% after one year of plantation in the field. Average height was recorded 123.1 cm after two years of planting. Thus, seeds scarified by wire net can be suggested for nursery raising and one-year old seedlings may be out planted at 2m ×2m spacing for successful plantations of the species.


The study was conducted at Bangladesh Forest Research Institute, Chattogram to assess the effect of different growing media on germination and growth of Dipterocarpus turbinatus and Artocarpus chama seedlings in the nursery. The media used in the experiment were T1: Soil and Cow dung (3:1), T2 : Cocomoss/ processed coir dust and T3: Processed saw dust. Experiment was conducted by using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five replications of each three media. Germination percentage, survival percentage and growth performance of both species were recorded and analyzed. The result showed that the highest germination percentage (78%) of Dipterocarpus turbinatus in T3 and highest survival % in T1 while T2 had shown the highest rate of height (28.5cm), root collar diameter (3.8 mm), leaf number (10) and root length (30.2cm) of seedlings of D. turbinatus. On the other hand, highest rate of germination percentage (82%), survival percentage (78%), height (32.5cm), root collar diameter (4.52 mm), leaf number (9.0) and root length (29.7cm) for seedlings of A. chama also found in T2 media than two others media T1 and T3. Both species showed the highest growth performance in T2. The findings also explored T2 as a good quality co supplement and substitute of T1 media for raising the seedlings of selected species in the nursery.


This paper presents the assessment of both the natural and planted species diversity of the Sitakunda Botanical Garden and Eco-park, Chattogram. A total of 267 plant species from 101 families are recorded in three zones namely disturbed, undisturbed and planted areas. Among them 153 plant species recorded from the natural undisturbed area belonging to trees (45 species), shrubs (44 species), herbs (34 species) and 30 species of climbers. Fifty two species were documented from disturbed and planted areas. Mikania cordata, Chromolaena odorata, Hyptis suaveolens, Mimosa pudica and Ageratum conyzoides are dominant species in the disturbed zone and Ficus hispida are the most dominant tree species in the undisturbed zone. The highest Importance Value Index (IVI) showed 28.08 for Holarrhena antidysenterica and the lowest 1.05 for Mangifera sylvatica in natural patch. Syzygium fruticosum showed the highest IVI of 27.81 and Pinus caribaea showed the lowest (0.93) IVI in plantation site. Most of the species are regenerating from the root suckers. Protection measures shall help the regeneration and conserve the species diversity in this Botanical Garden and Eco-park.


Germination percentage of Tamarindus indica L. seeds were observed with 4 pre-sowing treatments viz, i) soaked in cow urine for 24 hours, ii) soaked in cow dung slurry for 24 hours, ii) soaked in tap water for 24 hours, iv) soaked in hot water (100 0 C) for 30 seconds and followed by one hour in tap water and v) control, in the nursery of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute, Chattogram. Growth performances of seedlings were also determined in nursery and field conditions. The germination test was conducted in nursery bed filled with soil and decomposed cow dung at a ratio of 3:1. The growth performance of seedlings were determined by transferring the young seedling after 30-45 days of germination having 5-6 leaves from germination bed to polybags (15 cm × 23 cm) filled with soil mixed with cow dung. Growth performance in the field was observed by out planting one year old seedling at 1.5 m × 1.5 m, 2.0 m × 2.0 m and 2.5 m × 2.5 m spacing. Germination percentage was significantly (p<0.05) influenced by pre-sowing treatments and highest germination percentage (86%) was obtained in cow urine treatment for 24 hours and lowest (44%) was found in hot water treatment. Growth performance of seedlings was also influenced by pre-sowing treatments in the nursery and highest vigor index was observed in cow urine treatment (3988) and lowest in hot water treatment (1629). Survival percentage of seedlings was highest 98% at 2.0 m × 2.0 m spacing in the field and average height was more than 68 cm after 12 months of out planting. Therefore, pre-sowing treatment of seed in cow-urine for 24 hours suggested for nursery raising and one old year seedlings may be planted at 2.0 m × 2.0 m spacing in the field for successful plantation of the species.


Keora (Sonneratia apetala Buch.-Ham.) is one of the most important tree species for large scale plantations in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. The aim of this study was to generate a common volume equation and table for predicting the total and merchantable volume of planted and natural stand of S. apetala in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. A total of 430 sample trees having different girth classes were sampled from the plantation stands of Chattogram, Noakhali, Bhola and Patuakhali. Twenty one (21) models were tested to derive best-fit models for the volume over bark and under bark. The best fit models were selected based on the highest value of R2 (co-efficient of determination), the lowest value of Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). The selected models were validated by Chi-square test of goodness of fit, Paired t-test, Percent Absolute Deviation (% AD) and 45 degree line test. The best-fit one-variable and two-variable basic models were and respectively. The best-fit models showed the highest efficiency in volume estimation compared to previous developed model in terms of Model Prediction Error (MPE), Model Efficiency (ME) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE).


Aglaia cucullata (Roxb.) Pellegr. is a less salt-tolerant tree species of Sundarban mangrove ecosystem. The present study was conducted to investigate the influence of salinity on the survival and growth ofA. cucullata seedlings and nutrient distribution in seedling parts. All (100%) the seedlings of A. cucullata was found to survive at non-saline to slightly saline (0 to 5 PSU) condition and no seedlings were survived beyond 15 PSU salinity. Seedling growth in terms of biomass, height and collar diameter showed a significant (p<0.05) negative relationship with the salinity gradient. The highest concentration of nitrogen (42 to 25 mg/g) and potassium (34 to 30 mg/g) was found at leaves. While roots contained the highest phosphorous (4 to 3 mg/g) and sodium (34 to 13 mg/g). However, nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium in different parts ofseedlings showed significant (p >< 0.05) negative correlations with the salinity gradient, while sodium showed a significant (p < 0.05) positive correlation. In conclusion, A. cucullata is very sensitive to salinity for survival, growth and nutrient distribution in their parts, and that the distribution of this species may be confined only in the less saline areas of Sundarban.


The paper deals with seed germination and seedlings growth performance of Calamus erectus in the nursery and field conditions. Clean seeds were sown in the seed bed filled with soil and decomposed cow dung at 3sl ratio. Seeds started germination after 52 days of sowing and completed within 76 days with maximum 78% germination. The survival performance of the seedlings was determined by transferring the seedlings from germination bed to the polybags from 10-80 days after germination with 10 days interval. Optimum survival (100%) was found significant (p<0.05) transferring after 30-40 days of germination from seedbed to polybag. Plantation in the field was made with one year old seedling at 2.0 m x 2.0 m spacing. Average seedlings survival was 94% after one year of plantation in the field. Mean seedling height was recorded 94.6 cm after two years of planting. Survival of seedlings and growth performance in the field were satisfactory when one year old seedlings were out-planted. Clean or decoated seeds for nursery raising and one year old seedlings were found suitable for successful plantation raising of Calamus erectus.

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