

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

Gamar defoliator, Calopepla leayana Latr. (Chrysomelidae : Coleoptera) is a major
defoliator of gamar (Gnielina arborea RoxbJ in Bangladesh. Both the larva and the adult
feed on the leaves making irregular holes on them. The distribution, description and
biology of various developmental stages of the pest are provided. The pest has three
generations in a year, hibernating as an adult from November to May. A common pupal
parasite, Brachymeria sp. and an egg parasite, Tetrasticlnis sp. were recorded. Biological,
chemical, physical and mechanical method for the control of the pest have been


The properties of particleboard produced from l-,2-,3- and 4-year old Bambusa
vulgaris Schrad, the commonest village bamboo in Malaysia, were ascertained.
Culms of two years old or more were found to yield good particles for particleboard
manufacture. Three particleboards with the density of 561,641 and 721 kg/m^ were
produced by using urea formaldehyde resin as the binder at the resin contents of 6,
8 and 10%, pressing time of 6 minutes and temperature of 160°C. All the boards
tested passed the minimum requirements of the British Standards BS 5669-1989.
This indicates the suitability of this bamboo species for the manufacture of


The survey on visitors of Bhawal National Park reveals that picnicking was the
highest participated outdoor recreation activity (79.62%), and sightseeing was the
second highest activity (12.83%) with respect to all socio-economic variables viz.
gender, age, education, and income. Male visitors (82.26%) are higher than the
female visitors (17.74%). Age-groups of 26-35 and 16-25 years are more interested
in participating outdoor recreation activities which are 40.38% and 35.09% respectively.
Participation in outdoor recreation activities increases with the increase of
education level. Majority of the visitors are from middle class (47.19%) and high
middle class (24.34%). Visitors from all gender, age, education level and class
participate in outdoor recreation activities in Bhawal National Park. So, development
of proper planning and scientific management of outdoor recreation facilities
of the park are needed in order to ensure sustainable benefits to the visitors.

Last Published

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