

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

This paper describes the community structure of two prominant forest types i.e., moist deciduous miscellaneous and riverian Khair-Sissu forests of Himalayan foot hills in relation to their analytic and synthetic characters. The importance value index (IVI) values recorded from moist deciduous miscellaneous forest were maximum for Mallotus philippinensis (113.28) and minimum for Cassia fistula (6.54). Similarly the IVI values in the riverian Khair-Sissu forest were maximum (218.02) for Dalbergia sissoo and minimum (16.46) for Sapium insigne. The species diversity (2.3796), beta diversity (2.9166) and equitability (14.6700) values were observed as maximum in moist deciduous miscellaneous forest, whereas the values for these parameters were minimum (0.8507, 1.3636 and 2.4915 respectively) in the riverian Khair-Sissu forest. However, the values for concentration of dominance was maximum (0.6827) in riverian Khair-Sissu forest and minimum (0.1071) in moist deciduous miscellaneous forest. The soils in both the forest types were observed as alluvial, coarse textured and almost neutral in reaction.


The beetle, Podontia quatuordecinipunctata Linn. (Chrysomelidae : Coleoptera) is a major defoliator of amra (Spondias pinnata (L. f.) Kurz and S. dulcis Forst, f.) in Bangladesh. Besides Spondias spp., the pest also attacks Ficus elastica Roxb. and Duabanga grandiflora (Roxb. ex DC) Walp. Both the adult and the larva cause partial or complete defoliation affecting the growth of the plant seriously. The peak infestation period occurred during August and September. Younger trees are most heavily attacked. The incidence is more pronounced in the hilly areas than in the plains. The pest was controlled by foliar application of cypermethrin (Ripcord 10 EC) @ 12 ml/10 litres of water.


The genus Xylocarpus (Family: Meliaceace) is represented by five species, namely X.australisicus Raidley, X. granatum Koening, X. molucccnsis Lamk. Roem, X. gangeticus Parkison and X. parvifolius, and they are distributed in the tropical mangrove forests (Saenger ct al. 1993). The two speciesX. granatum and X. molucccnsis are found also in the Sundarbans, Khulna (Chaffey and Sandom 1985) and Chakaria Sundarbans of Chittagong (Brandis 1906, Troup 1921).

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