

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

Leaf spot and twig blight diseases of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. from 15- month-old plantationsfrom Khunia Palangbeat ofCox’s Bazar Forest Division, is reported. Symptoms ofthe diseases have been described. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Sacc., a Deuteromycetes fungus was isolated and identified. It was the most frequent and found to be responsible for the diseases. The diseases were practically controlled and minimized by spraying the fungicide “Cupravit” at the rate of one gram per litre of water, twice at ten days interval.


Nine tree species growing in the villages of Bangladesh were studied to determine their
suitability for making hardboard. Hardboards were made on defiberizing the pre-steamed chips
mechanically. Strength and water-resistance properties of the boards were determined. It was
found that none ofthe species could make hardboards good enough to meet the requirements of
Class-1 hardboard of the US Hardboard Association Specifications. Nevertheless, all the species
except neem, produced good, or even better, hardboards compared with sundri used in Khulna
Hardboard Mills.


The tropical moist deciduous forests of Bangladesh locally known as sal forests predominantly contain sal (Shorea robusta Gaertn. f.). It covers about 110 thousand hectares ofland and has a wide but interrupted distribution. There is scant record on the flora and vegetation ofsal forests from Bangladesh. About 65 percent of sal forest is highly degraded. The present work is a first attempt to document the woody flora of sal forests of Bangladesh. In this paper a general description ofthese forests containing landscape, soils, climate, forest types, vegetation, floristics and diversity has been given. The woody taxa enumerated including three monocotyledonous families (Gramineae, Liliaceae and Palmae) number about 260 species under 160 genera comprising of56 families. Out ofthese 260 taxa trees,shrubs and woody climbers are represented by about 133, 77 and 50 species respectively. Leguminosae ranks top of the list. Euphorbiaceae and Rubiaceae occupy the next positions. About 17 families are represented bysinglewoody taxa only. Floristic composition varies from area to area. The conservation needs have been emphasized.

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