

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

Morphological characteristics of the fruits and seeds, seed germination and seedling survival rate of seven albizias were studied in the nursery. The fruit size and weight were the highest in A. lebbek and the highest number of seeds per fruits was found in A. falcataria. The rate of untreated seed germination was tried in the seed tray, poly bag and seed bod. The highest germination was found in A. procera (76 – 85%) in all conditions and in A. falcataria (85%) only in the seed tray. The germination rate of A. lebbek was very poor in all the conditions. The germination period had no effect on the percentage of germination. The germinated seedlings in the seed tray and seed bed showed cent percent survival after 7 days transplanting into the poly bags in the shade and the survivality was 85 to 98% in the open sun after 30 days. No significant difference in survival was observed between the seedlings transplanted from the seed tray and seed bed.


Variations of different provenances of mangium {Acacia tnangium Willd.) in survival and resistance to pests and diseases under Ilocos Norte, Masbate and Bukidnon conditions of the Philippines were studied. The survival at one and a half years and the resistance to pests and diseases at five years after planting were determined. The results show highly significant variations in per cent survival among provenances under Masbate and Bukidnon conditions and in resistance to pests and diseases under Ilocos Norte and Bukidnon conditions. The survival was the highest in the provenances 13622 (Sidci, Indonesia) in Masbate and 13232 (Cowley Beach Road, Qld) in Bukidnon. The best provenances resistant to pests and diseases were 13229 (Claudie River, Qld) in Ilocos Norte and 13236 (Kurrimine, Qld) in Bukidnon.

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