A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
In East Pakistan due to various pressure on the sal
forests, the original crop lias deteriorated further in its
genetic composition, bo vigorous attempts have to be made to
Shorea robusta’, a member of the genus Shorea, belongs
to the family Dipte.rocarpaceae0 Sal (local name) occupies
two main regions of the subcontinent (separated by gangetAc
plain) the Northern and the Central region of Indo-Pakistan,
In East Pakistan it occurs in three areas Dacca, Mymensingh
and Dinajpur-Kangpure Dacca-Mymensingh sal is the tail end
of the Eastern range following Garo Hills of Assam (India)
where_as the Dinajpur-Kangpur sal is the continum of Bengal
During the months of June and July, 1970, severe defoliations of
young teak plantations were observed in several localities of Chittagong,
Chittagong Hill Tracts North and Cox’s Bazar Divisions ( see Table I ) •
Especially leaves in the upper part of the crowns were eaten causing the
teak look rather naked as during winter time. The leaves were eaten up
except the major veins, as showns in Figure 1 •
Gamari or Gamar is a well known furniture wood in
East Pakistan, particularly in Chittagong. The botanical
name for Gamar is Gmelina arborea, Roxb. , and it belongs to
the family Verbenacr.c to which teak belongs. The generic
; Melina) is named after S.Gottlieb
The la’<in rceanirg of ’’arborea” is
Local names : Gamari; Gamar (Chittagong, Chittagong
Hill Tracts, bylhet), Joginichakra (Mymensingh), Ramani (I'lagh)
Gambar, Bol-gippok (Garo), Kumhar, Gumhar, Gumliar (W.Pak.)
In Burma} the plant is known as Yemani, Name used in the exotic plantations, e.g, Nigeria, is Gmelina or Yemani. In English it is known as Kashmir tree or white teak.
Like the starving man of legend many developing countries are
sleeping, unaware, on a heap of gold.Most of the largest and richest
tropical rain forests are located in the “Third World”, but for the
mosy part they are unexploted, ignored, unattended or poorly managed.
And it is in these regions that hunger and poverty are most acute.
There would seem little- if any- connction between developing
forest land and solving the hunger problem. But it has become increasingly clear to economic planners and developing experts that the two
are so closely linked that in the years ahead forestry would be a key
factor in the fight against hunger.
The seminar was sponsored by the Food & Agriculture
Organisation and the International Labour Organisation of the
United Nations, and hosted by the Forestry Agency of the Government of Japan. 13 countries of Asia and the Far East .participated in the Seminar with 26 participants. The primary object of
the Seminar was to introduce improved forest working technique
and the training of forest workers in the countries in Asia and
the Far East. While in Europe, U.S.A., Canada and other developed countries substantial progress has been made in introduction of improved forest working technique and training of forest
workers in various specific jobs, many of the developing countries could not substantially contribute in these lines. The
importance of introduction of improved techniques in forestry
. operation and the vital role played by the workers in making it
a success, cannot be over emphasised. Pakistan like many other
developing countries could not yet introduce the improved forest
. working techniques and the forest workers’ training in the r£al
sense of the term. The training programme in Pakistan is at present limited to the supervisory staff of Forest Department.. No
step has yet been taken to train the forest workers to obtain
the maximum benefit.
1 All the figures are for conifers and on dry wieght basis.
Major constituents of wood are cellulose, lignin and hemicelluloses. Small amounts of pectic material, starch and other extraneous substances are also present. The ash content of wood seldom
exceeds 0,5%..) (2) o Normal hardwoods and softwoods usually contain
42?2 percent of cellulose. The lignin content of hardwoods varies
from IS to 25%, while in softwoods the range is 25 to 35%. A partly
acetylated5 acidic xylan accounts for 20 to 35% of the wood of hardwoods, with a second hemicellulose, a glucomannan occuring in small
amounts. A partly acetylated galacto-gluco-mannan makes up almost
20% of coniferous wood, but the xylan, .in this case, comprises only
10% of the total wood substance(2).
In a typical wood cell, the primary wall forms an envelope
for the secondary wall, which in turn, encloses the lumen. The primary wall, as well as the intercellular substance, are highly lignified (71 per cent lignin and 14 per cent pentosan in Douglas Fir) ,
whereas the secondary wall is largely cellulose ( over 50% in 8^
and slightly less in layer) , though lignified ( 13 to 25% in
$2 and 11 to 13/j in layer). The hemicellulose content is about
20% in the primary wall, 25 to 30% in the So, and 30 to 35% in the
layer ( 37)—. Regions of. approximately parallel change alternate
with less ordered regions in the secondary wall cellulose. The
molecules in the crystalline regions and to a certain extent, in
the amorphous regions, are held primarily together by a large
number of hydrogen bonds while Van der Waal’s forces probably make
some contribution to the cohesion.
Bleaching studies were conducted on the semichemical
pulp prepared’ from thei_mixture of 8(eight) minor hardwood
species-namely Itchri (Anogeissus acuminata), Amra (bpondias
Pinnata) , Barta (Art oca rpus lakoocha), dhamphata {Eapium baccaturn) , Gu
The amount of work laid down in the preparation and presentation
of periodic working plans for the forest divisions is impreSsive.Compared
with similar plans in most other countries the East Pakistan working plans
are undoubtedly of a very high standard. They contain a wealth of
not easily found elsewhere.
Working plans in their present form date back to mid 19th or
eVen late 18th century German forestry. The ideas and concepts of Central
methods and techniques developed have served the forestry of several
countries for better or worse for generations. But with the changing
position of forests in national economics, in land use policy and as
producers of raw material for industry,. a more dynamic approach also to
planning in forestry is under way.
This raises the question of working plans in the future East
Pakistan forestry business. In this paper it is attempted to examine how
the working plans of to-day are related to the forestry of to-morrow, and
some tentative lines of development are suggested
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