

A Half-yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

ISSN - Print: 1021-3279 | Online: -

It is an attempt to prepare biomass tables for young trees of
the three Eucalyptus species grown in Bangladesh. The paper gives
height-diameter at breast height (dbh)-biomass, and dbh-biomass
production relationships along with required tables and conversion


Usefulness of volume table for teak (Tectona grandis) aan hardly
be overemphasized. The paper deals with the preparation of a commercial
volume table of teak based on data collected during 1977 from
1874, 1875, 1876, 1878 and 1879 plantations at Kaptai in the
Chittagong Hill Tracts (South) Forest Division in Bangladesh. Thirteen
mathematical models of tree volume on diameter at breast height
( D B H ) and volume on D B H and total height were compared. The
best relationships judged principally by Furnival’s Index were used to
compute volume tables.


Fibre dimensions of Pinus caribaea, Leucaena leucocephala, and
Acacia auriculiformis were studied to assess their suitability for
making paper pulp. The results obtained with Pinus caribaea grown in
Bargladesh were comparable with those in the literature. The fibre
dimension characteristics of Leucaena leucocephala predicted the suitability
of the spec’es for pulp making. Acacia auriculiformis showed
similar fibre properties with those of civit.


Diseases and disorders of rubber plant ( Hevea brasiliensis Muell.
Arg.) so far recorded from Bangladesh have been reviewed. An
important leaf spot disease caused by Corynespora cassiicolatfBa.rV.
Curt.) Wei in January, 1985 and a root rot by Fusarium sp. in
December, 1985 respectively at Ramu and Khagrachari rubber
nurseries have been described. A severe dieback of grafted rubber
seedlings at Kanchonnagar and Raozan rubber nurseries in 1985 was
found primarily owing to very poor new root regeneration on transfer
to polyethylene bag and secondarily due to the attack by Phomopsis
hevae (Petch) Boedijn. During October, 1985 about 50% mortality
occurred in bud wood nursery stock of alone PB—235 at Haludia
rubber estate because of the phytotoxic effect of Elite Paint 713 (TR-Blue).
Ganoderma pseudoferrum (Wakef.) Overecm and Steinm caused root rot
in 1972 .ubber plantation at Dantmara. Yellowing of rubber seedlings
of clone PBIGG at Khagrachari was due to nutrient deficiency.


The importance of seasoning of timber has been discussed in the
context of Bangladesh conditions. Prevalent seasoning practices have
been described. The potential of wood seasoning in the country and
its expected economic benefits have also been dealt with.


Members of Loranthaceae, popularly
known as misletoes, are semiparasitic angiosperms.
They mostly attack dicotyledons
and gymnosperms and cause more economic
loss than any other angiospermic parasite.
Birds play an important role in the dispersal
of mistletoes. Sunbirds and the flowerpeckers
are the main dispersal agents of the
broad leaved mistletoes (Ali 1931, Weeraratna
1959, Gill and Hawkworth 1961,
Singh 1962, Ghosh ct al. 1984). Davidar
( 1980) reported that frugivorous birds such
as bulbuls and barbets also helped in dispersal
of mistletoes. The ripe one-seeded
berry of mistletoes contains a sweet viscid
pulp surrounding the seed. During feeding,
the birds squeeze the viscid seed out of the
epicarp by their beak, throw the epicarp
and swallow and excrete the seed on to a
branch (Ali 1931). Davidar (1980) also
reported that a flowerpecker Dicaeum concolor
( Dicaeidae ) used a different technique
to disperse the seed. The flesh alone is
eaten, epicarp is dropped and the seed is
rubbed off from its bill on to a branch.


During 1976 keora (Sonneratia ape-tala
Buch.—Ham.) seedlings were planted at
1.2 m x 1.2 m spacing along the coastal
belts of Bangladesh by the Forest Department.
Though large scale mangrove plantations
were initiated during the past ten
years, thinning could not be undertaken
owing to a lack of a thinning schedule.
Currently, thinning is being carried out
experimentally in different plantations. Data
relating to growth and natural mortality
are being collected and will form the basis
of a thinning prescription.

Last Published

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